- God Thoth: A New Era ( about the life of Jesus)
- Goddess Astaroth: the Wisdom of Goddess Athena
- Christian Rosenkreutz: Cosmic love and the "Chemical Wedding"
- Dale Decker: Theosophy
- Living Fantasia: Experiencing the Sorcerer’s Apprentice By Robert Hughey
- Dale Decker: Good and Evil
- Neem – a tree for heeling properties
- Health Promoting Properties of Honey
* Extra - New Video teaching of God Thoth ( At The Bottom of this E-Journal )
( Recorded live during communication with Barbara )
Welcome to my space of light I exist separate from other gods and my duties are different. Other gods are involved in many projects which help them to evolve and rise. I have now completed my task for evolution and my duty is to stay in the light of the creator. I must say that I was fascinated by the opportunity of having a direct communication with humans. It has happened before and I was involved in it; but it happened long time ago. I know that many people on Earth talk about Jesus and they say that he is the son of god.I can assure you that our source is a generator of life so enormous and so powerful that has no beginning or end. You have also read in your books, that humans were created to look like god, in other words they have the same form as the only god. Our source does not have a form, even high gods have no form. I can also assure you that Jesus is not a god. He does not exist on the pleroma. I know that he was a human being and had an eminent position in one of the mystery schools and in his early years travelled to many different mystery schools to receive teachings and training. Later he became politically involved and because of that he had many followers and enemies. Jesus was a controversial figure and was used for the creation of the new religion, Christianity. Similarly to a painter who never sold a painting during his life time and then suddenly becomes famous after death, Jesus was not known until Christianity decided to reinvent him; this is why your christian books have many gaps, inaccurate information, and no proof of his life and his background.
I do not want to talk about Christianity. I wish to talk about my connection to humanity as it stands right now. Because of this connection I decided to take an active role to support my creation, Earth.
I have a unique opportunity to communicate with the human community on Earth and and affect their consciousness. People who are working on earth have many lessons to learn and they also have unique tools to help them evolve. Why don't you look at these tools; look at yourselves using them and then understand your work and duty. Look at your potential and ability; open to everything that is send to you by your teachers. When human beings finally find the way to be open to receive all that is known by their astral body and be able to recognise the work that needs to be done to help them evolve. I am here to teach people to find their true way.
The Wisdom of Athena
The Greek Goddess Athena taught people a different type of bravery and wisdom. She was the warrior daughter of Zeus, the wisdom bringer, the teacher and guide of heroes the protector of the arts. Athena was a winner because she combined the feminine mystery with the masculine skill; wisdom and intuition; purity and the wisdom of old age. She was the head of Zeus.
It became very obvious to predators that Earth is a beautiful maiden, who naively made herself available to be used for their own pleasure or assault and there will be nothing to stop them doing it. Earth accepted all different contacts, never defending herself. She was the mother who knows how to open her arms but never to protect herself and her children. This is why Earth did not develop as a high Creator god because of her lack of wisdom.
All gods of the Pleroma are now sending the essence of Athena to be Earth’s guide and connect to beings who live on the planet. Athena is now coming to connect to Earth and bring to her the wisdom and judgment she needs to move on to the new phase of transformation. Athena is going to appear on Earth through all beings who are connected and carry the goddess’ essence. Athena’s sign is the number 3 in a geometric form, the serpent and the owl as well as the circle.
Connecting to Athena can be achieved by connecting to the wisdom of feminine and masculine and the expansion of this marriage. This marriage does not involve emotion but an expansion of being where there are no illusions and disguises just growth. Athena was aware of the importance of growth and this is why she offered a branch of olive tree to Athenians which was a symbol of growth, prosperity and peace achieved by all. Athena is walking on Earth and is wondering about the planet’s predicament. What will be the best strategy for Earth’s recovery? How can we achieve it? Who can help? Once again, heroes will show bravery and ingenuity and the battle will be won.
Connecting to Athena can be achieved by connecting to the wisdom of feminine and masculine and the expansion of this marriage. This marriage does not involve emotion but an expansion of being where there are no illusions and disguises just growth. Athena was aware of the importance of growth and this is why she offered a branch of olive tree to Athenians which was a symbol of growth, prosperity and peace achieved by all. Athena is walking on Earth and is wondering about the planet’s predicament. What will be the best strategy for Earth’s recovery? How can we achieve it? Who can help? Once again, heroes will show bravery and ingenuity and the battle will be won.
Done by communication between Goddess Astaroth and Barbara
Cosmic Love & the "Chemical Wedding"
Cosmic love is the highest force which help us to create and generate as a union.
Cosmic love is a great source of energy and we all use it to help us stay alive as well be enlightened and involved in high creation. It is the highest tool and all beings from lower to higher contribute and use love for their own growth. The love that is created and generated on Earth is a vibrationally lower from cosmic love and is expressed through mind, body and heart. Love is often linked to the physical attraction, it can be seen as a transaction, it is linked to fear, self-pity, self-gratification, social success etc.

This is why they cannot create unconditional love; human kindness always comes with a reason which often exists far from the people involved. Unconditional love brings freedom and bliss. When you are able to live in unconditional love then it opens you up to great possibilities and you may have a chance to experience the cosmic love. Even the lowest most distorted form of love will travel to unite to cosmic love which is a great depository of energy. The High Creator’s essence is cosmic love and all gods who connect to it are the chosen creators.
I told you before that my teachings which has survived are very fragmented and misinterpreted. My main teaching in the “Chymical Wedding” is our quest to unite to cosmic love which is our Creator’s essence; a power that is formless and unseen but also exists in all creation In a form of a code. The wedding symbolizes a very special union between us and all that exists through a constant transformation and development. According to cosmic law, all beings, even gods, suffer from some form of fragmentation when they are placed in different planes and the purpose of their existence is to keep transforming in order to join the High Creator. The transformation brings a better flow of energy and this way more creation can take place.
My “Chymical Wedding” is the union of all beings including gods to the pure cosmic love which is the essence of our High Creator. High Gods are also students of the Cosmic Love and there is a study that is done in a very special way. High gods enter a state of “nothingness” in order to study and immerse into cosmic love and that time profound transformation takes place.
Done by communication between Christian Rosenkreutz, Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis.
Divinity and wisdom united is the great truth that is taught with the teachings of theosophy as it is the transmission of spiritual knowledge which is the undying and the never changing Ageless Wisdom. It is the wisdom of becoming conscious of the origins and purposes of the divine side of all of nature which is the perception of the eternal union between the internal and external levels of the entirety of being.
Throughout the untold ages the Ageless Wisdom in which theosophy embraces has always been preserved, studied, taught, and applied by a select few who were and will become ready to receive the eternal truth regarding all the mysteries of nature and its relation to human beings along with everything that we share our earth-globe with and its connection with the universe. It was so long ago in a time which the present barrier of the human memory no longer reaches when the Ageless Wisdom was being embraced and taught as it expanded from its core as a teaching of the ONE UNIVERSAL ASPECT(call it God, call it life, call it spirit, or call it what you will) and all its laws and manifestations which was(and still is) the source of knowledge that was turned into religions and transformed into sciences which would grow into philosophies from one millennium to the next. All of the laws of the ONE UNIVERSAL ASPECT known as the Ageless Wisdom which we find in the teachings of theosophy have always remained the same, but as it became the fountain source for the world religions, sciences, and philosophies(as it prevails today) and as its illusionary notions of time passed the knowledge and keys of Ageless Wisdom became distorted and lost, the understanding and perception of the laws of the invisible side of the ONE UNIVERSAL ASPECT became dim and finally almost ceasing as it is today as these disciplines(religions, science, and philosophy) continue to rely upon the states of the external perception and appearances of life.
Modern science and philosophy is a mix and mire of systems of theories and speculations that have even come so far as to abandon religion with all its systems of beliefs about spiritual knowledge that merely has anything to do with spiritual perception and the development thereof. There is a constant clashing in their accumulation of knowledge and meaningless beliefs about the external world as one denies and disproves the other which drives all three of them to separate and abandon their theories, speculations, and beliefs one day to seek new ones during another. If all three would unite and dare to explore the mysteries of nature that would seem to them to be unfathomable and which is really apart of their un-awakened spiritual perception there maybe hope that they would discover one of natures eternal laws and by accident have a sudden and shocking glimpse of how human consciousness is centered in the brain and that nature and her eternal laws are apart of that consciousness and that these natural laws can be learnt and utilized by the consciousness to discover the most hidden secrets.
Would they continue to examine the outward appearance of forms with their crude instruments if they could suddenly realize that all of nature exists within their own consciousness and that their spiritual perception(once awakened) can be utilized to examine all of natures inner and outer aspects without ever lifting a hand or taking step? Would the preacher abandon his empty sermons and prayers of healing if he was taught how to attract and project solar energy from his entire body to heal his followers? Would they be ready to embrace the Ageless Wisdom that was once taught to all peoples in a time long past tomorrow? What would become of all of us and our planet if we could utilize the eternal laws of Ageless Wisdom? The unseen light of the spirit of the world with all its hidden mysteries would once again be realized and we would be able to understand and perceive that we are apart of it and it is apart of us as it has been all along.
It should now be realized that the difference between modern religion, science, philosophy, and theosophical knowledge is that it is able to identify the divine principles and the universal laws that form the very foundations of those three modes of thought and it is able to identify how the external aspects of nature are the results of all its internal aspects which passes beyond the barrier of the sense devotion and analysis of religion, science, and philosophy. When divine wisdom and the light of the spirit is applied theosophy is able to unite all the religions, sciences, and philosophies of the world and understand and utilize the AGELESS WISDOM that is veiled within them.
The student of theosophy learns how to identify and utilize the dormant principles of the soul and spirit which every human body is a vehicle for whether they are aware of it or not. They utilize these invisible principles of the human constitution to understand and know that the internal aspects of the soul and spirit is within all things and with a developed spiritual perception they perceive that everything in their surrounding environment is unitary and apart of the human consciousness and no separation exists nowhere in nature. Theosophical teachings is an understanding of nature which goes beyond the perception of the physical senses which is only part of the perceived unity that we and all things are apart of in which the student learns to perceive, feel, and utilize. They come to know their own internal reflection of the external environment which is a reflection of divine unity in its eternal aspect.
This is how and why theosophy is a vast system of universal truths and divine wisdom that reveals the ONE SUPREME TRUTH about the ONE UNIVERSAL ASPECT which is a vast active living intelligence system which is our universe with its inner and outer nature that is even apart of greater systems that are guided by eternal laws that only our souls and spirits can grasp when we become ready to receive and embrace the unseen light of the spirit of the Ageless Wisdom and all that it has to offer.
Neem – A Tree for Healing Properties
MEDICINAL plants are part and parcel of human society to combat diseases, from the dawn of civilization. Aza-dirachta indica A. Juss (syn. Melia azadirachta) is wellknown in India and its neighbouring countries from ancient times as one of the most versatile medicinal plants havinga wide spectrum of biological activity. A. indica A. Juss and M. azedarach are two closely related species of Meliaceae. The former is popularly known as Indian neem (margosa tree) or Indian lilac, and the latteras the Persian lilac.
Neem is an evergreen tree, cultivated in various parts of the Indian subcontinent. Every part of the tree has been used as traditional medicine for house-hold remedy against various human ailments, from antiquity . Neem has been extensively used in ayur-veda, unani and homoeopathic medicine and has become a cynosure of modern western medicine. The sanskrit name of the neem tree is ‘Arishtha’ meaning ‘reliever of sickness’ and hence is considered as ‘Sarbaroganibarini’. The tree is still regarded as ‘village dispensary’ in India. The importance of the neem tree has been recognized by many. ‘Neem – a tree for heeling properties’
Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) is perhaps the most useful traditional medicinal plant in India. Each part of the neem tree has some medicinal property and is thus commercially exploitable. During the last five decades, apart from the chemistry of the neem com- pounds, considerable progress has been achieved regarding the biological activity and medicinal appli- cations of neem. It is now considered as a valuable source of unique natural products for development of medicines against various diseases and also for the development of industrial products. This review gives a bird’s eye view mainly on the biological activities of some of the neem compounds isolated, pharmaco- logical actions of the neem extracts, clinical studies and plausible medicinal applications of neem along with their safety evaluation.
Anti-cancer benefits of Neem
Neem has many incredible medicinal benefits, but one of the most important things is, it kills cancerous cells. Every one of our bodies has cancerous cells, but normally, they are disorganized. If you create certain situations in the body, they will get organized. The shift from petty crime to organised crime is a serious problem. As long as they are loafing around by themselves, it is not an issue. If they all gather in one place and hit it off, it becomes a problem. If you consume neem every day, it keeps the number of cancerous cells in the body within a certain percentage, so that they will not gang up against the system.
Anti-bacterial benefits of Neem
The world is full of bacteria. The body is full of bacteria. There are more microorganisms living in you than you can imagine. Without them, you cannot digest anything – in fact, you cannot exist. Most bacteria are helpful, but some of them can cause you trouble. Your body constantly spends energy to manage bacteria. If excess levels of bacteria occur, you will feel down because your defense mechanism has to spend too much energy to fight them. By using neem internally and externally, you manage the bacteria in such a way that they will not overgrow and you will not have to spend the body’s energy on fighting them. If you consume a certain amount of neem on a daily basis, it will destroy the troublesome bacteria in the intestinal region, and your colon will generally remain clean and free of infection.
Also, if there is a slight smell in certain areas of the body, it means bacteria are a little more active there. Almost everybody has some minor skin issues. If you rub your body with neem paste before bath, let it dry for some time, and then wash it off with water, it will act as a good antibacterial cleanser. Alternatively, you can soak a few neem leaves in water overnight and have bath with this water in the morning. If you wash your body with neem, it will become clean and radiant.
The ancients knew that natural honey had many health promoting properties – modern science has revealed that the ancients were correct. Science is now revealing some of the reasons why honey is so beneficial…
Natural honey is a powerful broad spectrum antibiotic and kills bacteria by creating an inhospitable environment for the bacteria to thrive and reproduce…
Natural honey has a relatively high acidity level (low pH level) of between 3.2 and 4.5 pH. The acidity level in combination with honey’s natural composition deprives bacteria of nitrogen thereby shutting down the ability of bad bacteria to reproduce.
Natural honey is primarily composed of two monosaccharides leaving very few water molecules available for microorganisms – this condition is called low water activity. Low water activity creates a very unfriendly environment for the growth of microorganisms.
Living Fantasia:
Experiencing the Sorcerer’s Apprentice
By Robert Hughey
Image Credit: Fantasia (Walt Disney Pictures)
This past month I had the overly stimulating pleasure of experiencing my own version of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice from the Walt Disney Picture Fantasia. If you are not aware of the film, the Apprentice is Mickey Mouse, who is supposed to clean up his quarters, as assigned by his Master, the great Sorcerer. Mickey decides to use magic to get through his chore fast, and creates Constructs to do the work for him, and then he quickly loses control of the Constructs, building too many of them and flooding the basement and almost drowning. Fortunately, he is saved in a Deus Ex Machina-style intervention b his Master, the now irate and flummoxed Great Sorcerer. Now, I did not build a bunch of broom golems to do my household chores, but what I did was practice poor judgment regarding some Spiritual Gifts of mine that have recently come “online,” and that’s mostly what I want to talk about today. Claircognizance is the sense of “knowing” we are all starting to have more and more in our lives. Many of us are remembering information from past lives, from other incarnations, and the wisdom we have learned from these other existences outside of our lives will be at our disposal in interesting multidimensional ways. Sounds well and good, right? Well, I suddenly found myself with a wide range of topics in my memory regarding High Sorcery and the construction of Elementals and other Constructs. I then practiced the aforementioned bad judgment and stared to create air and even some fire elementals (my own particular affinity turns to those both easily) without giving them any purpose other than simply existing and “looking cool” to me. I will spare you the pain of the details of the mess I quickly found myself in, but it took some very heartfelt prayer and apology to the Gods(and eventually to the Elementals themselves) to clean up my condo in Atlanta. Seeing my mistake as plain as day was humiliating, but a very valuable teaching moment. Because of my experience, I can then write about what I feel are some very important rules when dealing with the “knowing” associated with the gift of claircognizance. First off, the information must be processed properly. There’s really no better way to handle that other than meditation. If I had perhaps enjoyed two 20-minute sessions of peaceful mind-calming and organizing meditation, perhaps I would have realized I was no in the “know” quite like I thought I was. The mot important rule to apply to any clairsentient information is to apply what I call your innate “discernment engine” to the information. I think many of the readers of this will also call that “common sense.” Yes, applying common sense to what I was messing with on that chilly November evening might have spared me the humiliation of having to clean up singed eyebrows, broken and shattered pictures of the wall and all sorts of mayhem before I finally realized I was out of my depth. Hopefully my experience will be a lesson learned for my own future, but perhaps it will also assist someone else with their own experiences as our gifts continue to open up and broaden in this very interesting time to be alive, while the Golden Age resurfaces on Earth and the Divine High Beings walk the Earth again. I suppose that does include me in there somewhere, but I guess I’m still at a place where I have a whole lot to learn about being whatever it is I actually am. Like Mickey Mouse in the classic film, it's a good thing I have an amazing Master and Teacher to turn to when in need. Thanks be to Elohim and to High God Thoth. |
Health Promoting Properties of Honey
Human beings from ancient times have written about the many healing properties and uses of honey – those ancient practitioners that extolled honey’s virtues include Aristotle, Aristoxenus, Cornelius Celsus, Dioscorides, El Basry, El Mad Joussy, Hippocrates, Porphyry and many more.
Over the past few years, bee populations have been dying at a rate the world wide. Honey bees pollinate plants that produce about a quarter of the food consumed by Humans, including apples, almonds, watermelons and beans.
Investors of consumer groups and bee keepers say the devastating rate of bee deaths is due at least in part to the growing use of pesticides sold by agrichemical companies to boost yields of staple crops such as corn.
Health Promoting Properties of Honey
The ancients knew that natural honey had many health promoting properties – modern science has revealed that the ancients were correct. Science is now revealing some of the reasons why honey is so beneficial…
3.1 Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antimicrobial, Antiseptic, Anti-tumor, Antiviral, Prebiotic, Probiotic
Natural honey is a powerful broad spectrum antibiotic and kills bacteria by creating an inhospitable environment for the bacteria to thrive and reproduce…
3.1.1 Bacteria do not like acidity
Natural honey has a relatively high acidity level (low pH level) of between 3.2 and 4.5 pH. The acidity level in combination with honey’s natural composition deprives bacteria of nitrogen thereby shutting down the ability of bad bacteria to reproduce.
3.1.2 Bacteria need water to survive; honey dehydrates bacteria
Natural honey is primarily composed of two monosaccharides leaving very few water molecules available for microorganisms – this condition is called low water activity. Low water activity creates a very unfriendly environment for the growth of microorganisms.
3.1.3 Bacteria can’t thrive in the presence of hydrogen peroxide
Natural honey contains an enzyme called glucose oxidase. When glucose oxidase is mixed with a small amount of fluid (i.e. from an animal’s body – canine, feline, human and other non-human animals) creates a small amount of diluted hydrogen peroxide solution. This solution is strong enough to kill bacteria and gentle enough not to irritate or inflame skin.
In the case of a flesh wound hydrogen peroxide forms when the honey mixes with body fluids present on the surface of the wound. The hydrogen peroxide is released slowly and acts as an antiseptic.
If you use honey to treat an eye infection or sty a light burning sensation may be felt momentarily due to the formation of the mild hydrogen peroxide solution. Stinging is not usually an issue when using honey to treat skin wounds.
3.1.4 Honey is Free of the Dangers Posed by Conventional Antibiotics
Natural honey has been proven to protect against at least sixty (60) species of bacteria – some of which cannot be killed with the use of conventional antibiotics. Unfortunately the number of species of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is on trajectory of rapid incline.
Unlike conventional antibiotics, natural honey does not cause a myriad of adverse temporary and long-term side effects, and disease causing bacteria do not become resistant to honey’s anti-bacterial properties.
Honey is also a prebiotic and a probiotic – both functions provide additional support to the immune system. In its capacity as a prebiotic, natural honey provides food to support the beneficial flora (‘friendly’ or ‘good’ immune system supporting bacteria) in the gastrointestinal track (GI Tract).
In its capacity as a probiotic natural honey contributes significant friendly bacteria to populate the GI tract, once again supporting the immune system and healthy serotonin levels. Depending on the floral origin and other factors that contribute to potency natural honey contains varying amounts of the following friendly bacteria – four (4) species of bifidobacteria and six (6) species of lactobacilli.
Conventional antibiotics have the opposite effect as they kill all bacteria good and bad leaving the GI Tract in an unbalanced state, affecting a drop in serotonin levels and depressing the immune system. A potentially dangerous condition at anytime and for a body that is already fighting illness a precarious state in which further infection, virus and anxiety can take hold.
Natural honey offers a potent natural alternative to conventional antibiotics.
New research has shown that natural honey also contributes to building the body’s natural antibiotic – white blood cells. Recent findings show that honey may stimulate white blood cells. White blood cells are the body’s natural bacteria fighting cells.
3.1.5 Honey Can Help Prevent further Degradation of Conventional Antibiotics
Antibiotics are the most over misused, over-prescribed conventional medication used today in both human and veterinarian medicine. With this overuse comes great risk to the individual patient and the collective population. As bacteria become increasingly resistant to mankind’s array of conventional antibiotics – the ability of those antibiotics to fight many diseases has become seriously compromised.
If if you are drinking tap water; if you are eating non-organic meat; dairy, fruit and vegetables you and your dog or cat are probably ingesting antibiotics on a daily basis. Now on addition to that daily exposure imagine if you, your dog or cat is also taking a course of prescribed antibiotics. Not only is the body getting over-dosed and over-exposed, so to is the environment and the disease causing bacteria.
Conventional antibiotics – like most substances that we humans and our animal companions ingest, pass through the body and into the environment. In this manner antibiotics make their way into municipal water treatment systems, into ground water, then on into streams, rivers and oceans. The same antibiotics then end up in municipal drinking water and in the water you shower and bath in.
If you or your companion animal are consuming meat from large factory farms – confined animal feeding operations (CAFO) you are consuming antibiotics in the meat. Animals in CAFOs are fed antibiotics with their feed. CAFO animal manure is also spread on fields. The grains, fruits, vegetables etc. harvested from these fields also contain antibiotic residue.
The collective and accumulated result is antibiotic-resistant disease. If you put your cat or dog on multiple courses of antibiotics you put your cat’s and dog’s short and long-term health at serious risk. In the absence of effective antibiotics all surgery becomes extremely risky. As for the collective risk – antibiotic resistant superbugs are killing more cats, dogs and people every year. If you are interested in reading more about the real threat posed by over/misuse of conventional antibiotics you can read the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Antibiotic and Antimicrobial Resistance Threat Report 2013.
Conventional antibiotics should only be used when absolutely necessary. If your dog or cat is on conventional antibiotics adding natural honey to the daily diet can help to fight some the adverse affects of conventional antibiotics.
3.2 Antioxidant Properties
Natural honey contains multiple powerful antioxidants as noted further above. Antioxidants prevent and delay cell damage. Free-radicals are biologically destructive chemical agents that are linked to many chronic diseases such as arthritis and cancer. The antioxidants in honey destroy free-radicals.
The antioxidant properties in honey come from monosaccharides (natural sugars) and phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are non-nutritive plant chemicals with disease preventing and protective compounds that shield the plant from disease, drought, excessive heat, injuries, insects, poisons (air and soil) and ultra violet rays. When added to the animal (canine, feline, human, etc.) diet, phytochemicals act as antioxidants that protect the body from various conditions and diseases such as aging, cancer, coronary diseases and other inflammatory disorders, neurological degeneration and a host of other conditions.
The antioxidants in natural honey include: Ascorbic acid; Amino acids, and Protein.
The polyphenol antioxidants in honey include: Acacetin; Apigenin; Caffeic acid; Caffeic acid phenylesters; Chrysin; Galangin; Kaempferol; Quercetin; Pinocembrin, and Pinnobanskin.
In addition to containing phytochemicals produced by plants, natural honey also contains health promoting resins manufactured by the bees themselves. Bees use plant phytochemicals to make resins which are one of the ingredients of Propolis. Propolis, also called ‘bee glue’ is manufactured by bees for use as a sealing substance to keep the bee hive free from health threatening bacteria and other undesirable microorganisms. Honey contains trace amount of Propolis.
These antioxidant properties also contribute to the natural ability of honey to help heal wounds as the antioxidants in honey provide nutritive value to cells which translates into the growth of new, healthy tissue.
The antioxidant composition of natural honey varies based on the botanical and environmental origin of the honey as explained further below.
The antioxidant value of honeydew honey has been found to be greater than that of most other honey.
3.3 Hygroscopic Properties – a Natural Humectant
Natural honey is hygroscopic. When exposed to air honey naturally absorbs moisture from the air. When used to treat open wounds the hygroscopic nature of honey can help to prevent scaring as the moisture collected by honey keeps skin hydrated and fresh; supports the growth of new tissue; helps to ensure wound dressings do not stick to healing wounds/skin.
3.4 Nutritive Properties
Natural honey contains vital minerals and vitamins including…
- Minerals -
- Calcium
- Copper
- Chromium
- Iodine
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Potassium
- Phosperous
- Selenium
- Silicon
- Sodium
- Sulfur
- Vitamins –
- A
- B Complex…
- B1 (thiamine)
- B2 (riboflavin)
- B5 (pantothenic acid)
- B6 (pyridoxine)
- B9 (folic Acid)
- C (ascorbic acid)
- D
- E
- K
- Niacin (Nicotinic acid)
Darker honey contains higher quantities of nutrients than lighter honey.
If you want to give honey as a dietary supplement or topical treatment on a kitten or puppy under 6 months of age buy medicinal honey – don’t use natural honey.
The problem of good and evil is a problem that baffles the mind because it is one of the many mysteries(which at times is so little understood) of the dual aspects that we have to be apart of in order to exist because it is one of natures laws. In the human kingdom good and evil are the manifestations of the positive and negative polarities that operate in nature as the dual manifestations of separation and union which are the two sides that make up one single force as it manifests all around us. It is a force that causes things to separate and unite and we can call it life.
In the human kingdom there are people who are evil or decide to manifest the negative polarity of that single force that we have already called life, and they may use it in whatever evil negative manner that maybe, and they become separated from other human beings and from life as a whole. They keep themselves separated from the other selves like their own and chase after the evils of life for their own separated selves and not for the common good of all which everybody becomes guilty of doing in some minor or major way. Take for example we see a country tear itself apart because they are at war with themselves and all we are seeing is that its people and their age-long united positive construction of life becoming constantly separated in an opposite negative evil force of life which is separation and destruction. On a smaller scale if we have an individual who abandons the positive creative side of the life force for their own selfish purposes and goes against others the individual is working with the negative polarity of the life-force which manifests as self-destruction and separation. In both cases just mentioned the life-force becomes negative and dismantling and it is a part of the life-force that nature cannot refuse to give if it is sought after.
Now we can understand what the force of good or the positive polarity of the life-force means. The positive polarity of the life-force works with all living things for the purpose of creativity, construction, and for the purpose of union and not its opposite in separation, destruction, and evil. The force of good works with truth, unity, love, and everything that is apart of the whole instead of working against it when we become separated from it. When the evil side(of the life-force) becomes predominate over the good side(of the life-force) and causes a conflict and threatens to dissolve the force of good the evil force of that which is causing the conflict is also destined to dissolve. The time it takes does not matter whether it be minutes, days, months, years or centuries the life-force when it is predominately evil is destined to dissolve.
The good ones war against none, not with others, nor themselves and remain united with all the good ones as they go on and develop into higher and higher manifestations of spirit and matter as one who is on the upward current of the life-force. The evil ones become separated on the downward current of the life-force which does not create nor grow while the good ones continue on in their growing and in their constructions for the greater good of the whole. The good ones do not bother with hatred and strife because it is the downward current whose constructions become grinded to dust so that it maybe directed upwards to build and grow instead of becoming destroyed. When wrath, anger, and madness which are aspects of the downward current of the night-side goes against the upward current of the day-side of peace, love, unity and harmony the darkness will disappear when the light shines it. Every separated evil existence will shatter and dissolve sooner or later and I can`t stress it enough by repeating myself over and over because it is only in the good force of unity that life continues onward and everybody must choose one side or the other because when separation takes place in unity it is destined to travel full circle and return to unity once again in one downward and upward current. The life-force is ONE and it can be utilised for good and evil, attraction and repulsion, the choice is ours to utilise it in one way(good) or another(evil). ITS THE LAW.
Nothing Was but Everything is Yet
There ain't Nothing I got nearly closer
to the everything inside my soul than the Nothing of a Something's Rancid Refuse for none
Though some have said Nothing is ever Wasted
And you know what?
Nothing is Nobody's **** Business
When that Business is none other than Somebody's Purpose
Or their Reason for Being, for Living,
for Nothing's Mission
And yet...
If you freely stare at Nothing at All
long enough, deep enough
You start to see the Everything around it
All holding that special Nothing,
none too tenderly? Yes, Sometimes.
Lovingly as a Mother's Embrace. Belief in Nothing's Promise
Love Leading to Something
Possible, Potential, Probable!
Nothing? Yes, Everything!
All. Always.
© Mr. Robert W. Hughey. All rights reserved.
Watch our new video with teaching of God Thoth
( Recorded live during communication with Barbara )
This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.
She had the gift from birth because this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation.
For more information or become a member Contact@PantheonofAeternam.com
We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.
True self-value is linked to purity, the gathering and distribution of High Light, the knowing of your essence, your tools and purpose, the fight to complete the task given to you by the High Gods and the Divine Creator and if you exist on the Earth plane you have also to be tuned to the planet and its natural laws.
All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery.
All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual
qualities to support the divine plan.
All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part without the expressed written consent of Pantheon of Aeternam as expressed by international copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.