- Introduction: By Robbbert-jan Rozenkruis
- Christian Rosenkreutz: The ancient mystery schools
- God Thoth: The ancient druid priesthood
- Goddess Ishtar: The unity between male and female
- Dale Decker: An introduction to the Tattvas
- The root of inspiration: By Eric Tecce
- Living to thrive: Poetry by Kevin
- Our true-self is always with us: The journey of Marti
- The Deadly risks of sugar
Welcome to our Pantheon of Aeternam E-Journal The Golden Age. This is our second edition for the month October.
I N T H I S I S S U E :
God Thoth and Christian Rosenkreutz are sharing their knowledge and light on the ancient mystery schools and the ancient druid priesthood.
Goddess Ishtar teaches us the cause of separation between the two sexes.
Why are women being portrayed as inferior, weak and helpless individuals? Should women fight for their rights and how helpful can it be a survival war between the sexes?
Dale Decker introduces our readers and students to the Tattvas.
This is just a mere glimpse into this esoteric subject. With the understanding of the principle of analogy, you would be able to identify how the etheric forces are at work in our own bodies (the circulation of blood for example), the transmission of water within the plant kingdom, and to how these same forces are operating in the rings of Saturn and the orbits of solar systems around galaxies.
Eric shares his view on western education & inspiration.
Poetry by Order member Kevin.
Order member Marti shares with us her personal journey.
Barbara is talking about health and this month's topic is our diet and the danger of sugar. Sugar is definitely the cause of most disease and death among humanity.
R O B B E R T - J A N R O Z E N K R U I S
I would like to draw your attention to another health hazard. Fever fighting drugs are not wise to take and this shows again the naivety and ignorance of people to listen to the lies and deceit of doctors who are the slaves and workers for big pharma. People should focus on preventing disease instead of trying to cure the symptom of the disease. It is hilarious to see the representatives of the pharmaceutical companies such as scientists and doctors trying to find ways to heal a physical body with chemicals.
When people start to run a fever from the flu, they often turn to medications like ibuprofen and aspirin to bring the fever down. But it seems this common strategy might be dangerous.
Canadian researchers have concluded that fever-reducing medications may actually help to spread the flu and even lead to more flu deaths.
Why is this? Because fever is an immune response that fights the flu virus. Medicines that reduce the fever can stop this process so that folks may still be infectious and able to pass along the virus to others.
Because fever can actually help lower the amount of virus in a sick person's body and reduce the chance of transmitting disease to others, taking drugs that reduce fever can increase transmission.
You may be eating what many consider a healthy diet, but refined carbohydrates are filling your body full of unnecessary sugar that can quickly lead to toxicity. Once sugar enters your digestive, it feeds unhealthy, pathogenic gut bacteria. An excess of sugar from high-carb foods can cause an illness due to an imbalance of bacteria in the digestive track. Sugar is hidden in the majority of commercial foods like processed snacks, juices, dairy products, pasta, pastries, bread etc. If you have never taken the time to examine sugar and carbohydrates in your diet you may be shocked.
When you have an abundance of probiotic bacteria in your gut, it’s harder for the pathogenic bacteria, that comes with a cold or flu, to take hold. Probiotics also help the body to produce certain vitamins that help keep us strong and they fight viruses on three different levels:
1. While the virus is still in your intestinal tract, good bacteria surround and neutralize the virus.
2. The good bacteria form a barrier along your intestinal lining to prevent the virus from passing through the intestinal lining and into the bloodstream.
3. If the virus gets through one and two, the friendly bacteria actually communicate with your body to produce substances that neutralize the virus before it causes damage. Supplementing with probiotics is the easiest way to build up your good bacteria and keep your immune system strong all year long.
Fragmentation and separation is a man-made disease; all types of disease are man-made.
If you want to be fully awake you have to be courageous to fight for life. It is easy and very pleasing to discus and read books about enlightenment and sacred knowledge but is not going to make any difference to your growth, It is not going to bring you clarity. A passive approach is what you were taught by the artificial expression of life that you are experiencing. There is a belief shared by many on Earth that being passive and allowing others to decide for your own life is a great luxury and a high status. Human beings on Earth believe that they belong to an advanced civilisation because they were given a few technological toys to play with. This is actually a distraction to stop you from asking the important questions about life on Earth: why is our food polluted; why can we not grow our own food; why can we not go to wells, springs and rivers for our fresh water; why are we bombarded with products and services we don't need; why is our mind constantly manipulated with countless artificial choices?
Humans prefer a passive existence and this is why illusion is easily accepted because it allows them to remain passive and open to any false reality. They enjoy when they have to do nothing and presented with many choices and opportunities which are all illusionary. Humans are an easy target for those who create illusion; they are the type of consumers who will buy everything at any price. There is a reason for that: it is their trauma and the fear of survival which have taken away the clarity and their full embodiment with truth.
People on Earth suffer from distortion and pollution which are responsible for physical and mental imbalances and early death. Ancient people on Earth did not have to suffer from illusion and distortion and this is why their civilisations were more advanced than our current civilisation. You have to understand that a civilisation is advanced when beings are aware of their abilities and powers and use them to evolve. Ancient people were aware of the natural laws which are reflection of the cosmic laws; they could perform healing; they were connected to their astral body, the high realms and the cosmic wisdom of the masters. People used this wisdom in their everyday life and connection to high realms was possible for all.
Our leaders, teachers and doctors should have told us the truth instead of forcing us to accept an artificial life of nothingness.
They speak the language of the fool and the deceiver because being healthy is not in their best interest; it means no business and no profit.
Only the fact that your doctors are being taught Darwin's tree of life where life appeared as bacteria and with the evolution we have the creation of a human being, can lead you to the conclusion that they are false. All different species from the smallest to the biggest co-existed from the very beginning and this was absolutely necessary for the planet’s existence and growth.
Our ancestors were not created on Earth. They came to Earth from other planets; some of them, while they were inhabited Earth, received the light of gods and procreated demigods.
Scientists have been telling us that the current human being is related to an animal, the ancestor of the monkey. This is not true. All beings were created separately and they are involved through their own process of transformation. The fish did not become a reptilian because if this was the transformation then the fish would not exist any more. When a being transforms everything attached to it is transforming too including their tools, purpose and light. What is happening right now is the same as in the times of the Atlantis: creating hybrids, genetically modified humans ,animals and plants. manipulation and destruction of humanity and our planet. This means the end of humanity.
I would say to you that your doctor is been brainwashed just like any other human being. And you can better avoid them. Be responsible for your own health and have a good and balanced life.
Robbert-jan Rozenkruis
The Ancient Mystery Schools
I was always interested in visiting far away lands and experience the wisdom of the masters there and learn about ancient practises. In modern times, fragmentation is higher and as a result you divide and label different strands of knowledge when they are actually connected and support each other. In my days we did not divide knowledge and all practical obligations were also part of it.
Traveling to many countries I was able to connect to sacred knowledge which was taught in mystery schools and other centres. Before Christianity, the mystery schools had an eminent position in people's life and culture. They were the homes of different gods and people were able to able to experience the gods' energy and communication as well as receiving information about personal and collective growth. In some places, whole communities were part of the mystery school and they all lived their lives according to cosmic laws.
In my time all the centres started to become secret and closed communities. They were detached from the rest of the population and rarely open their doors to people who were not initiated in their practises. Most mystery schools had a similar approach to knowledge and this was purification and transformation. They taught their members different ways to achieve high growth: this included certain diet, meditation, long periods of time spent in isolation where people will have to face their weaknesses and strengths and finally reach their true-self. They spent time in nature and were involved in music and dance performances as well as in other types of rituals.
When I retired I was able to dedicate more time to cosmic knowledge and I studied all wisdom known to my contemporaries. I knew that all arts of wisdom are connected but they can only offer a piece of the truth. There is no superior or perfect art but they are all different expressions of the cosmic wisdom. I also realised that even though our ancestors have made great progress in revealing their word of the gods, there are many pieces of this knowledge missing and all beings on Earth should not only experience cosmic truth through their light but also share it with others. When our understanding is complete our vibration is going to raise and Earth will have a change to be healed and move on with her growth.
In communication between Christian Rosenkreutz, Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis
The Ancient Druid Priesthood

The druid priesthood lived in perfect harmony with nature and this is what gave them high consciousness and power to connect to Earth and contribute to her healing process. Earth will be joyful when her children go back to her and are able to communicate with her; this will help her heal and reconnect with the cosmos and the gods creators. Druids believed that their ancestors were not the visitors from other planets but beings created by Earth during the golden Era. They were also connected to beings who were the guardians of Earth and they saw themselves as guardians too. The priesthood started to grow and for many tribes they were the only true religion. They did not detach themselves from the rest of the population. There were times that saw themselves as the leaders and wanted to spread their religion. And initiate people from other lands. This made them popular and there were people who wanted to receive the power of the Earth but and use it for their own advancement; ones advancement is the others destruction. Some of the druids knowledge past to a dark priesthood. But most of it was forgotten as people lost the connection with the Earth's energies.
In communication with God Thoth, Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis
The Unity of Male & Female
Why are woman being portrayed as inferior, weak and helpless individuals?. Should we have women hate men and get involved in a survival war?
My bird, you seldom open your wings to look for love and now that you have you find a small resistance but being a goddess you are going to win the battle and the love you are looking for is going to fall hot on your plate and you will carry on eating it for eternity.
Women on planet Earth were always stronger than men because they carry more elements of the androgynous nature which was the primordial nature of the first being in Golden Era. When women and men were separated and morphed into two separate beings, men were the protectors and the disposable part of the male-female unity where the female was the mystery of the creation. Different degrees of fragmentation on Earth brought confusion and ignorance; all knowledge and understanding of natural laws was totally distorted and the map of human consciousness became dark and clear. As a result, women were portrayed as inferior, weak and helpless individuals. Another form of distortion is the feminist movement, the women’s “sexual freedom” and their role in the competitive (male) business world.
The distortion of consciousness and natural knowledge is still taking place on Earth. It seems that distortion on Earth is affecting the planet’s reality in a faster pace and things are going out of control. Distortion is not always strong; it often fades away. When this happens, people can get a glimpse of their real nature and purpose and there always be some people who will break away and re-connect to the purity and wholeness that exists in the creation. Distortion is not an organic substance this is why does not really exist on its own but it is more a parasite which takes power if you give it power. Often distortion can form into anything your ego is attracted to; it appears very real and powerful. How can we fight distortion, some people may ask. Disconnect, listen and create. Choose your own way, be responsible for your own actions and examine the ways you affect others and how others affect you.
Listen to yourself instead of following blindly. Listening to yourself brings clarity and recognition of your true nature and purpose. When you master clarity then you will connect to the information stored in your physical and astral bodies. Communication and information are an exchange of energy which helps people to heal, restore and develop themselves. Creation is the great wonder of life and the people of Earth are able to become creators and enjoy a godly existence. Should we have women hate men and get involved in a survival war? How can your hand hate your food and your eye fight your mouth? The union of man and woman is the most wonderful expression of creation. It is also a step towards restoring the Golden Era.
Done by communication between Godess Ishtar and Barbara.
Ishtar, fully armed, stands on her sacred lion. An eight-pointed star, one of her symbols, adorns her elaborate crown. Her forward-striding leg reveals her warrior's kilt. A worshipper stands before her. Behind her is a sacred date palm, with two rampant gazelles uncharacteristically posed opposite each other, giving a suggestion of fighting. Normally there would be one on each side of the tree trying to reach the fruit.
A glimpse into this esoteric subject. With the understanding of the principle of analogy, you would be able to identify how the etheric forces are at work in our own bodies.
Not very many are aware that there are really Seven Tattvas. They serve as symbolic representations of the physical and etheric substances and forces that are at work in all of Nature (Nature is not limited to the modern ordinary understanding of it, because the ultimate truth is that Nature is really the entire universe which as a whole is really ONE).
The Tattvas as they are known at present and which manifest in all the physical and etheric substances and forces which are at work in our present mode of perception and consists of only four forces which are the manifestation of the etheric forces that compose all the gases, liquids, and solids which are the physical manifestations of the four etheric forces (Warmth, Light, Chemical and Life Ethers) operate in all of Nature from cellular structures of myriads of kinds and types and also in stars of a variety that you see in the night sky. The five Tattvas ( Akasa-the black egg, Tejas-the red triangle, Vayu-the blue circle, Apas-the silver cresent and Prithivi-the yellow square) which are known at present represent the etheric forces (symbolised by the Akasa Tattwa or the black egg) which are operating in the other four Tattwas which symbolize the manifestation of the Four Ethers which are at work within all the elements (Fire, Air, Water, and Earth) which are at work within the gases, liquids, and solids that compose the physical plane which reflects itself within our inner beings which are also composed of these same forces and substances.
The Five known Tattvas and their manifestations on the Physical Plane can be perceived and felt in the elements of Fire (Heat), Air ( Anti-gravity), Water (Cold) and Earth (Gravity) and all these forces are Etheric which bleed from the Black Egg of Akasa which exists within the interior of all forms as there builder and maintainer. The Ethers and the Physical elements exist in one another. For example in the world of gases, liquids, and solids which make up the Physical structures that is perceived by the five physical senses there is the four elements (fire, air, water, and earth) and they exist within and work with each other as manifestations of electricity and magnetism (just to mention a few examples). Unknown to few Fire, Air, Water manifests within the Earth element as a mixture of electric and magnetic potencies which is known by the objective mental crudeness of the ordinary as electromagnetism which means that within the lowest mode of perception which is the world of solids or forms all the Four Ethers and gases and liquids are bound up and are at work to constitute what makes the form a form that can be perceived by our senses. If you would strike a rock with a piece of steal a spark (which belongs to the Fire Element) maybe produced and if you would know what the right time of day it would be when a rock bleeds the moisture contained within it or how air (which the Light Ether is its cause) must be present (as a balance) for fire (or Warmth Ether) to turn a solid rock into a liquid that emits its contents(gases) into the air as it solidifies you will understand these processes I`am speaking about.
In the Fourfold Etheric aspect of the Physical plane the Ethers exist in one another as well-Within the Life Ether (which is present in all solids as an invisible violet light) all the other three Ethers are contained and operating within it. In the next Ether or Chemical Ether (which transmits tones or sounds which play a major role in all liquids and its many manifestations is perceived as a blue light), only the Light and Warmth Ethers are contained with in it, within the Light Ether (which transmits the vibrations of visible light and whose light is of a yellow color) there is only a manifestation of the Warmth Ether(which transmits heat and whose invisible light is of a red color) which is independent on its own and which has its origins within the Black Egg or akasa (which cannot be perceived on its own by the present mode of humanities perception but yet exists without any cold light of reason within the human intellect to even realize it). The Black Egg is the origins and final destination for all the Four Etheric forces that make up the physical plane as it is at present. The other two Tattwas above the five already mentioned are processes that will be at work once we as a citizens of the universe along with our revolving planet have long passed out of our present modes of perception and have become accustomed to perceiving energies that at present exist within our own inner being and can only be known if we have a direct experience with these levels that reside within the physical frame.
The sixth Tattva is a mental-astral energy which has its own intelligence and cannot be known by the present state of human evolution. The seventh Tattwa is a primordial energy-substance which had become differentiated (in its present condition) and will become undifferentiated when the earth-organism has reached its climax and completed its cycle of manifestation and all its contents have returned to its source (Primordial Matter). The sixth and seventh Tattwas are called the Aupapaduka and Adi Tattwas which are modes of perception that only (at Present) can be perceived within our own selves in which we come to know manifests through all of Nature. I must remind you that this is just a basic presentation of an occult subject that can be viewed as one complexity within many complexities.
This is just a mere glimpse into this esoteric subject. With the understanding of the principle of analogy you would be able to identify how the etheric forces are at work in our own bodies (the circulation of blood for example), the transmission of water within the plant kingdom, and to how these same forces are operating in the rings of Saturn and the orbits of solar systems around galaxies.
I have not yet mentioned how the Tattvas work on the Astral Plane and within our Astral Bodies-the realm of our own souls. You asked of me to provide some information about Tattwas and Astral Projection which are two subjects that can be combined as they are related in the most intimate ways (which I have shown you already in the distant past)... So with that said I could (when I get a chance) compose a small essay about the method of Astral Projection I use and how the Tattvas can be applied (which I use to use in my previous experiences)

The chart shows how the Physical Elements (Fire, Air, Water and Earth whose inner constitutions are the Warmth, Light, Chemical, and Life Ethers) can be used to access the manifestation of the Tattwas on the Astral Plane to influence what the Astral Body(soul) perceives and how it is done so. It also reveals how the elements and ethers can be combined which can be perceived in a vast variety of Natures manifestations.
In the western world, education is perceived as a means to systematically reconstruct your way of thinking. Many can agree that this is an ordered path that results in what ultimately can be termed as conditioning. I myself have undergone schooling this way, and by the time I was out – I stood against it as most of the teachers failed to understand how to truly teach & connect with their students. It is what I term the art of understanding.
The Root of Inspiration
Being a rebel to a system meant I was no longer a follower. This train of thought was very effective but what it meant that I also had to deconstruct the lessons and rebuild them in a natural way. Of course it is detrimental to blindly accept, but as a child we look to those who are willing to teach. This leads to either falsified views or becoming inspired to support a flawed system.

As a teacher, they should be a mentor for the sake of one’s future, not for the sake of their pay grade. Inspiration is the biggest key to offer children no differently than hope. It is essential as it sparks a part of themselves they resonate with. Something that is not manufactured but is awaken like blossoming flower. We all have our own path to follow, with our own personalities and interests - so any system that tries to conform a majority will no doubt remove opportunity to be who you truly are.
In my own path, I have found many ways to reach & inspire people – but if I have learned one thing, it is that if you can manage to do that by doing what you love, you have found your calling. In my own work, I treat each design in a way that encodes messages without words. Labels are unjust for ideas, and have limitations – it is almost like locking an idea without letting it grow. I allow the work to speak for itself, for people to connect to it, and draw on how they feel. This ignites that fire we call inspiration.
In any case, the more energy you are willing to put towards an idea, the more it will nurture and grow into something beautiful. Energy comes in all sorts of forms, so it is never always just physical action but can be the likes of thought, direction, and sensory. To draw from truth also helps bring a natural structure to support whichever project you choose to take on. These all add up & paired with whatever it is that inspired you, comes together to make art.
This pattern comes and goes, as inspiration is reborn into new works of art. As I have once been inspired, I continue to offer the same opportunity to others. And maybe one day, they will create something that will inspire even more. It is a change of events that is relatable to how we can welcome a world that is balanced with nature. It is not flipping of a switch, but the choice to flip that switch.
I followed my dreams & am currently living a life that is balanced in many ways that everything works out. For anyone who is reading this, I task you with finding your path so that you can also inspire & reach others by being you. Given that you are aware to read this, at this very moment, it can be taken as a sign that you may already be on that path – so I wish you the best of luck in your journey.
~Eric Tecce
"Living to Thrive"
Live in the present and feel the presence
No number to describe or way to hide
Sever the ties that bind and strive
To anchor, drain, and plain your view
The senses are caressing to the body
Teaching matter but never cosmology
Reach inside to the essence, present it
Let it go, flow ever so, 'tis an endless pit
Never mind the urgency, currency disappointment
Eternally we breathe, carry the light of joining
Wretched are none, kept under the sun
Two times gone, ever still further on
Mind me and mind you, blind me and blind two
Separate and stagnate, the growth of faith pursued
Care beyond what they say is possible
They only mean to keep you hostile

Our True Self is Always with Us
I learned a long, long time ago, when I was peaceful and calm then I was on the right path. I was where I was suppose to be, doing what I was suppose to. When things were not right, then life was very difficult. This applied to people too. When I was meant to be with them then things went well. When I was meant to move on, then something always happened to move me away from them and to where I was suppose to be. Even my job, even though hard at times, I really enjoyed doing it, until the last couple of years but the signs came it was time for me to move on. I had worked enough years and acquired the age to retired. When time came, I did not hesitate. For two years after, I stayed home and did nothing but vegetate. A sort of unwinding and releasing what was in the past. Then I started surfing the web. And I found the Order. I looked back to see when I had first contacted them and I can’t believe it has only been six months. The learning and growing I have done in these few months is beyond words to describe. Each day, I find an illusion that just jumps out at me. Sometimes, like wow, why didn’t Isee that before. Some, I have seen, and realized and now I understand why I viewed them different than before. I just hadn’t been looking for them. Growth has always come to me, but I also had committed of this physical world to do, so growth came slowly. Now I have more time, I still have commitments to certain people, but I have a lot of time and energy to devote to learning. However, it is still a balancing act. I have a very demanding partner, so there are times I must put him first but at the same time I am learning. Everything in life is a lesson. When we learn it, then we go to the next. Our true selves are always evolving even when we don’t realize it. Our true self is always with us, we just have to listen.
The Deadly Risks of Eating Sugar
Whilst our ancestors coped with natural foods in limited supply modern lifestyles have this on its head with more to eat and less to do. Natural foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients that optimise health. In an aged of abundance society is tempted to eat too much refined food full of sugar, but with little nutritional value. Sugar is hidden in the majority of commercial foods like processed snacks, juices, dairy products, pasta, pastries, bread etc. If you have never taken the time to examine sugar and carbohydrates in your diet you may be shocked. You may be eating what many consider a healthy diet, but refined carbohydrates are filling your body full of unnecessary sugar that can quickly lead to toxicity. Once sugar enters your digestive, it feeds unhealthy, pathogenic gut bacteria. An excess of sugar from high-carb foods can cause an illness due to an imbalance of bacteria in the digestive track.
Here are some examples of hidden sources of sugar in the diet:
Every 20 calories of carbohydrate sugar equals to 5 grams of carbohydrate sugar and this equals to 1 teaspoonful of sugar.
We only require an equivalent of 12 teaspoons of sugar or 60 grams of carbohydrate, a day.
If you think you are avoiding sugar by cutting out sweets and cookies, think again. Eating a large bagel meets your sugar requirements for the day at 12 teaspoons of sugar. This is precisely why starchy carbohydrates should be limited.
Sugary foods are high on the glycerine index, which means that high sugar foods cause a spike in blood sugar levels. When you eat a sugary bowl of cereal, for example, it will quickly raise your blood sugar. This is compared to eating an alternative grain like quinoa that will raise blood sugar levels caused by junk foods have been linked to countless chronic diseases. Drinking just one sugar-sweetened drink every day increases your chances of developing heart disease. Those who get a quartet or more of their daily calories from refined sugar triple their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
Refined sugar should make up less than 10 per cent of total calorie intake, which equates to around 70g for men and 50g for women.
Here are a few helpful tips to jumpstart a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory diet:
- 1 cup of milk - 2 teaspoons of sugar
- 1 bowl of cereals with milk - 8 teaspoons of sugar
- 1 cup of cooked rice - 9 teaspoons of sugar
- 1 banana - 5 teaspoons of sugar
- 1 soft drink - 8 teaspoons of sugar
Every 20 calories of carbohydrate sugar equals to 5 grams of carbohydrate sugar and this equals to 1 teaspoonful of sugar.
We only require an equivalent of 12 teaspoons of sugar or 60 grams of carbohydrate, a day.
If you think you are avoiding sugar by cutting out sweets and cookies, think again. Eating a large bagel meets your sugar requirements for the day at 12 teaspoons of sugar. This is precisely why starchy carbohydrates should be limited.
Sugary foods are high on the glycerine index, which means that high sugar foods cause a spike in blood sugar levels. When you eat a sugary bowl of cereal, for example, it will quickly raise your blood sugar. This is compared to eating an alternative grain like quinoa that will raise blood sugar levels caused by junk foods have been linked to countless chronic diseases. Drinking just one sugar-sweetened drink every day increases your chances of developing heart disease. Those who get a quartet or more of their daily calories from refined sugar triple their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
Refined sugar should make up less than 10 per cent of total calorie intake, which equates to around 70g for men and 50g for women.
Here are a few helpful tips to jumpstart a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory diet:
- Cut out starchy carbs-pastries, cookies cereals, white rice, potatoes, breads and pasta.
- Cut out processed foods and dairy products.
- Eat several portions of vegetables per day.
- Eat 3-5 portions of beans, nuts and seeds.
- Add healthy oils to your diet - omega 3, hemp, krill and olive oil.