M A Y 2 0 1 5
Foreword by Robbert-jan Rozenkruis
Teachings of God Thoth: How to recognise purity, a state of peace and clarity, Dream states & sleeping
Christian Rosenkreutz's teaching: Challenges & growth
Dale Decker: About the Etheric body
Human energy fields: by Barbara
A warm welcome to our readers. This POA E-Journal is quite different than the previous issues; we wish however to continue maintaining a high standard of information and a diversity of topics.
Publishing our E-Journal is always a wonderful challenge for us. We do not plan anything in advance; it is a natural process where everything comes together and all pieces fit perfectly. We are always guided and supported by higher beings that give us inspiration. Clarity and peace can help you to achieve anything you wish for. It is important that we exist in peace and have a balanced life. The Gods want us to be active and insist on us exercising on a high level and connecting to the Earth. I run many miles a week (most of it uphill) and exercise many hours as well. I look after my body and stay healthy in order to fulfil my purpose. My work in the Special Forces that I did for more then 17 years was always on a high physical level that is not to be compared with top sports but beyond that. With my forty years of age, I feel no different than a 25 year old. My essence is like a child and I have that energy as my driving force. People should be more active in nature because if you do not use your body your body is non-existent. If I was not practising sports on a high level I would not be able to do my work as I do now. Some people think that only with meditating you achieve clarity or connection with the light of the cosmos. I have a different understanding and by being very active physically, I am able to connect to my whole being which helps me to raise my vibration, connect to the light of the Cosmos and receive healing , clarity and overloads of energy.
All beings take part in cosmic creation because we all co-exist and exchange light in order to maintain life. There are no secret formulas or hidden laws to be found in the cosmos. There are no theories and newly invented plans and models of creation. In the astral plane which is the core of existence, beings have access to cosmic light and they all try to receive its highest form in order to be transformed. In the astral plane there is not understanding similarly to what you experience on Earth. When you try to understand you already put obstacles on your connection to the light. One of the main obstacles is using the mind for growth. People are convinced that the mind is a superior tool that exists separately from the rest of the body. I want you to ask yourselves, why do people on Earth focus on the mind to receive knowledge and wisdom? Others are talking about the heart centre. Is this the superior tool and why? Distortion on Earth effects all expressions of life and creation on the planet and it seems that people can not see that the cosmic light is available to all in abundance. We support all parts of creation; all planes, growth and evolution.
Our source and its creation is a unified force and we are all linked to maintain its existence. Third dimensional beings on Earth should look at the whole body and accept it as a high tool. Use this tool to create abundance. With your body you can receive and exchange light; you can transform yourselves; you can heal, purify and transform; you can connect with others in a physical level and you can also expand this connection to a multidimensional level. Allow the cosmic light to go through you and take the form of healing, information or growth. For this to happen, you need to have clear intention. So what is your intention and what are you trying to create? (Wisdom of Astaroth)
Christian Rosenkreutz shares with us a wonderful teaching about the connection between challenge and growth which is actually a true-life experience of his last incarnation on Earth.
If you are experiencing obstacles on your way it means that you have to meet your true-self and you are still influenced by the illusion which is blocking your way. Challenge yourself, try to connect to your true-self away from all artificiality.
Try to learn from each situation. You are free to decide whatever you want and to walk any path you wish for yourself. Try not to please others, ignoring your purpose; this is not a pure act.
We teach our students to fight the fragmentation of the human mind. Beings who are not awake struggle with their diseased mind.
God Thoth Explains that if you are not awake, purity can be seen as an imbalance, an enemy or even a destructive force. How can you recognise purity in you and around you?
People who are close to you need to be treated with kindness and understanding even if they are harming themselves or others. Being on your path and trying to bring clarity in your life does not mean that you have to cut your ties with the people who are genuinely connected to you even if your understanding and perception of the situation is very different from theirs. What is important is that you all genuinely care for each other and you are willing to support each other with your light.
Trying to convince people about your understanding of life with words and opposition will make you vulnerable and your light will not be shared so it will become weak. When you are able to see yourself as a free and pure being with unlimited opportunities you will be guided by your light. You can not blame them or yourself. Your light will help you to connect to people around you and create meaningful relationships as well as experience a balanced life.
Most beings on Earth exist in a hypnotic state. They can be easily manipulated, brainwashed and disconnected from all understanding of their true self and purpose. Your challenge is to wake up and connect to the truth in you. Everybody can achieve that if this is your true intention. Your whole being should express the connection to the true self. You may have to change your life style, your values, your understanding and the way you experience life. When this happens you will feel illusion trying to drag you back in. You will experience people’s opposition, criticism, negativity; you may feel weak and confused. This is how illusion attacks when one tries to escape and often the person is brought back in and tied up. You have to be strong to say no and step out of it. Soon you will realise that your true life is starting now and you are in control of your growth. You will realise that you have great power and knowledge of the cosmos. The most beautiful and productive state of a human being is the state of peace and clarity. This is a state of absolute truth. God Thoth shares with us a short teaching about the state of peace and clarity.
People on Earth recognise two states of existence: the sleeping state and the state that enables them to experience life. God Thoth shares with us a teaching about the purpose of sleeping and about dream states.
Some of you may even wonder what happens if the body dies. Death is being seen as the end of a life cycle but is never the end of a beings existence, it is a rebirth and a start of a new cycle of growth and evolution but then in the astral plane which is the home of all beings. Our friend Dale Decker an expert in theosophy, esoteric and occult knowledge shares with us his writing and understanding about the Etheric body and what happens to it when it is prematurely separated from the physical body.
Life after death is not the same for every being but you have to see death as a new cycle of evolution connected to your life cycle. People reincarnate in order to achieve a high level of understanding and when they achieve that the physical body is resolved and all experiences and learning are stored in the astral body. The being then continues to evolve in a higher speed in the astral body. Beings that did not achieve to progress and fulfil their purpose in this life time, they will have a different path. Some of them are responsible for creating imbalances in their lives and energy as well as the life and energy of others. These people do not make progress. You need to understand that evolution takes place but it does not always produce the right result. So beings that had a non-effective evolution, after death they have to purify themselves before they return to the astral pane. This purification balances the energy of the being and strengthens its light. After purification, beings return to the astral plane and often reincarnate again.
Enjoy reading our E-Journal of the month May 2015
-Robbert-jan Rozenkruis
Beings that exist in all different planes have no possessions, nothing belongs to them. There is nothing they can claim theirs and keep it for eternity; even our energetic fields are constantly transmitting and receiving energy and going through different transformations. High gods do not own their creative abilities. They know that they are the vehicle of the light of the source who creates through them. When you understand that there is nothing to possess then you will be free. This knowledge will help you to support yourself in more creative ways and be satisfied with your life.
(Extract from the book "Fountain Source of High Wisdom Sacred Book of Thoth, Chapter II, p.30)

HOW TO RECOGNISE PURITY" Purity is this part of you that cannot be affected by any sort of manipulation, fragmentation and distortion. All beings carry purity in them. It is their light, which was given to them when they were created. It is the link between the being, the god and the source.When you follow purity, you are truly happy and satisfied; able to make your greatest contribution in your life and in the life of others; transform yourself and others; have no doubt as to what your purpose is and you will be able to fulfil it. "(Extract from the book "Fountain Source of High Wisdom-Sacred Book of Thoth, Vocabulary, p.308)
If you are not awake, purity in others or yourself can be seen as an imbalance, an enemy or even a destructive force. This is because purity is pulling you away from illusion and artificiality and try to disconnect you from social expectations. If you are in your very first steps of awakening, purity brings confusion. It takes you to cross roads where you have to decide to either follow the path of truth or continue supporting an artificial life style. People are afraid to follow an unfamiliar path and often are attracted to what they know and what other people follow. The path of truth is a jungle where life exits in a high vibration; artificiality is a decorated box with no content that everybody wants to have. If you choose truth as your path and you start making small steps towards truth, the more you walk this path the more you will be connected to purity. Purity is this part of you that cannot be manipulated altered or taken away from you. When you are in peace you can reach your purity. It is a feeling of perfection, it is the seed of the Source in you. When you are in a complete peace and you are able to empty yourself from all destructions, fragmentation and artificiality, you will be able to reconnect to your purity. The next step is to allow purity to lead you on you path.Done by communication between God Thoth & The messengers of Pantheon of AeternamA STATE OF PEACE AND CLARITYThe most beautiful and productive state of a human being is the state of peace and clarity. It is a state of truth, a state of growth and a state of unity. People who are suffering from fragmentation cannot be in peace and cannot be in unity with the cosmos.
People who live a distorted life and who are disconnected from truth cannot be in peace and they cannot grow. People on Earth are often accusing themselves and others for not being able to connect to truth. They turn against themselves, they become aggressive, they have no compassion and as a result they cannot heal themselves or others. Healing is a natural process that takes place in the physical body as well as the astral body and can be explained as an exchange of energy. All beings in all planes have the ability to heal themselves and others and this way they allow they allow the cosmic light to go through them and support unity.
Becoming a knowing being is an opportunity and a gift to all of you. When you start seeing clearly and understand life beyond artificiality then you connect to your true-self. If this connection is pure then your true-self will become your guide. When this happens you will be in a peaceful state, connecting to your purpose. Do not look away from you to find peace; do not focus on your weaknesses; see them as stepping stones to reach truth. When humanity is able to be in a state of peace you will again take your power back and you will be able with the help of the Gods to rebuild the golden Era on Earth.
Done by communication between God Thoth & The messengers of Pantheon of AeternamDREAM STATES AND SLEEPING
People on Earth recognise two states of existence: the sleeping state and the state that enables them to experience life. Many people believe that the purpose of sleeping and dreaming is related to relaxation; it is a time where the body is able to regain power and clarity. Others see it as a non-productive period and focus on the other half of their day, the active one.
Some of you may ask: why do people on Earth sleep and what is the purpose of dreams? If a human being did not have the chance to be in the state you call sleep, then he will be totally disconnected form the astral body and will not be able to experience growth. Part of your purpose on Earth is to experience fragmentation and distortion and by seeing purpose and continue to grow. This is your challenge and you all need support and guidance in order to receive clarity and fulfil your purpose. Support is given to you by your guides who are responsible to lead you through this reincarnation; you are also guided and supported by the cosmic light itself.
T he sleeping state can be compared to a deep meditation where the being is able to disconnect from all artificiality and distraction. When you are asleep you experience a different existence related to your learning and growth. If you are a high vibrational being reincarnating on Earth, in your sleep you will be able to connect to your astral body and experience astral growth. Beings who carry many imbalances related to Earth's fragmentation, they will connect to their guides and receive guidance or have different experiences, you call dreams.
You are able to remember your dreams occasionally because the life you experience in a dream is very similar to the life on Earth. Life on Earth is also a dream and with this I mean is created to help you grow and test your ability to find your way back to growth. Your connection to the astral plane during your sleep cannot be decoded or understood when you are awake.Done by communication between God Thoth & The messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam. Friday, 1 May 2015
All beings who reincarnate on Earth will meet obstacles on their way to growth. Blockages, imbalances, confusion and separation from their true-self are challenges you all have to face. This is how you connect to the Earth and the third dimensional reality. You are all united with Earth. She supports your existence; the challenges you have to face are part of your growth not only on this plane but also on the astral plane. People on Earth wish to have a good life; a comfortable and prosperous life.
I was once interested in being prosperous and having power over others. I wanted to posses all wisdom, unique gifts and super human abilities. I wanted to be the master of all kings and have the grace of the Gods. In this state of illusion, I disconnected from my true-self and purpose and I created obstacles everywhere I turned. My success turned into a great challenge and I was not able to see where my route is leading to. I made people believe in me but my weaknesses affected their lives too. Suddenly I realised that my life was going to end soon and all my plans will never be realised. As I was very close to death, the light of my own existence reached me. I stood naked in front of the light of my higher-self without plans, ambition and superiority. I was empty of the persona, the social status and the power that is hidden in ambition. I had clarity and for the first time I felt what the Gods describe as diaphanous. I am energy and I can reach other energetic points in the cosmos. In this state you have no limitation. blockages or imbalances.
There are no hidden mysteries, dark paths and confusion when you understand yourself as pure energy that exists and grows in many planes. This was my rebirth on Earth; a new being who is able to bring the light of the Gods to Earth, heal and enlighten humanity and prepare the way for others to heal Earth and restore her to her Golden Age.
Done by communication between Christian Rosenkreutz & the messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam

I am always quite busy with my esoteric work when I am off from my regular job. All my time off is devoted to it- working with my two different astral projection techniques and studying the fourfold etheric aspects that are a part of our living earth in so many ways that would require the writing of a large book to cover only a small fraction of its diversities in human beings, our planet, and the universe. Such diversities would be how these etheric aspects play a role in the heredity of a person, the circulation of it through our living planet which has its roles in the functions of all its kingdoms and the earth-organism in its entirety along with how these same etheric forces have their varied roles to play in and on other celestial bodies in our solar system and beyond for example. All these aspects of the esoteric knowledge regarding the ethers have been known, studied and observed by myself in a wide variety of ways that can be and is observed by the averaged individual(without them being aware of the etheric) and the other aspects are not so easy to identify and can only be revealed by special instruction like how the etheric as its effects on the migrations of animals in their appropriate environments to how these same forces have meteorological effects in the atmosphere of our planet. Some of these functions are recognised by the so called scientific minded but they are at a loss in understanding the hidden aspects(the etheric) that are the driving forces behind it all. As a result of working with astral projection the astral body unfolds and we are able to perceive a different perception of our world.
As a beneficial result of being capable of utilizing the astral body is that we learn to follow the path that leads from the physical into the spiritual. When we perfect the operation of astral projection we learn that the astral body has its dwelling in a world that is constantly transforming like our own concrete physical plane and as we do this the qualities and quantities that stir and stair our physical senses disappear and a new perception of our consciousness unfolds with all its forms, beings and events in an astral condition and environment that is intimately connected with the physical via the etheric forces. When this work is carried out we experience a great change in our own perception and we are then able to identify(even with our physical senses) how the astral plane is effecting and changing the physical plane. The averaged person knows very little about these planes of perception that they are a part of as they can only receive short vague glimpses of it during their sleeping hours if they are capable enough to have their sense apparatus temporarily shut down to enter a blurry dream and upon awakening be plunged back into the sense world without even having any idea of the significance of this intimate connection between their inner and outer worlds in which they are so involved in and which plays many roles in their entire lives from birth to death. When we carry out an astral journey we feel as if we were outside our physical body and that we are able to look back at our physical bodies and our physical life without the use of any techniques of visualization and as we improve at perceiving this inner reality our perception grows within it and our whole being there expands and becomes a world in itself and our perception grows to the size of a whole world and we can then see are ourselves there in this world(even without doing astral projection) and realize that this world is within our own selves and that we can grow in the astral world just like we grow in the physical world and when we are able to realize this we are learning to live within the forces(astral and etheric) of our living earth in which we are all apart of regardless of how much many think that they are separated from it. A true spiritual perception is learning how to perceive the unbroken bond of our interior and exterior environments which can only be understood by a direct experience which is my work as a projector.
When the physical body dies its elements return to its appropriate regions of the earth. The other subtle bodies like the etheric and astral body along with the ego remain united for a short time until the etheric body separates from the others and returns to its proper regions in the etheric realms. After death the ego and astral body pass through their afterlife experiences(which iam sure you are familiar with) that occur between death and a new birth. When someone dies an un-natural death their etheric bodies are quite different in its make-up compared to someone who dies naturally of old age. The etheric body that is released from the physical body and separated from the astral body and the ego as the result of premature death may have preserved the life of the physical body for a much greater period if the accidental death did not occur and as a result of premature death the etheric body that becomes separated is still permeated with the living forces that would have prolonged the life of the physical body until an advanced old age. During an incarnation the physical body grows older and older but this aging process works in the opposite direction with the etheric body as it becomes younger as it becomes more subtle and refined when the physical body has aged. When it enters the body at birth it is considered to be old because it is more compact and full of living forces which will be contributed to the sustainment of the physical body throughout a persons life. When the etheric body is released from the physical body it carries its remaining living forces and it expands and returns to its proper regions in the four different etheric planes between the astral and the physical planes which surround our globe in the shapes of spheres. These etheric bodies with their living forces can cause impressions on the etheric bodies that still maintain physical bodies of those who are still living and can be utilized by anyone who is aware of the many manifestations that can take place as a result of accidental deaths of persons whom the specially instructed living person was acquainted with or not. When we are born the etheric body is already within us as it is a cosmic force which shines with a great luminescence within the interior of the body and is visible to those who have attain etheric vision and when this etheric body has to be released from the physical body because of somebody passing especially at a young age it becomes an intermediary between the interior and exterior levels that a living person is a part of and they receive impressions from these etheric bodies that fill the etheric atmospheres. Usually these impressions are ones that inspire and help those who are still living in so many ways such as healing the physical body or inspiring the astral body in ways that no averaged person could ever comprehend. The etheric bodies of the prematurely departed fill the atmosphere and they can flow into the physical bodies of the living in many ways such as in the inhalation of the lungs and entire body via the pore system of the skin and have an effect on the astral bodies of the living. The etheric body and the astral body that enters a physical body contains a wide variety of forces and these forces are gradually used up during physical life without any interference from premature death. These forces can be used especially if they already have passed through a living person who has departed the physical body and even more so if they died at a young age. It is important for the evolution of humanity that these unused etheric forces be utilized...

It is sometimes difficult for a human mind to comprehend or visualise the cosmic wholeness due to emotional attachment and the limitation of physicality that exists in our five-sense-reality. When mankind is able to remember the tune of creation and its role within the cosmic dance only then can find balance and harmony.
To begin to understand the divine creation, we have to examine the idea that life is a vibration. Matter is not static and immovable but a mass of moving particles of atoms and molecules, emitting their own radiation of light, heat and colour. Any form that appears solid is actually consists of an underlying vibration.
According to the ancient Chinese theory, the acupuncture points on the human body are part of an unseen meridian system that runs deeply through the tissue of the body. The meridians form a path which the cosmic light known as qi is believed to flow, nourishing the body. The nadis which seem to correspond to the meridians in traditional Indian medicine, represent an extensive network of energies which parallel the bodily nerves in their abundance. Nadis are thought to carry cosmic light known in Sanskrit as Prana. Various sources have described up to 72,000 nadis or energy channels in the subtle body anatomy.
The chakras also appear to be involved with the flow of cosmic light via the nadis and into the cellular structure of the body. The chakras are energy centres located at major points of the human nervous system, beginning at the base of the spinal column and moving upward to the top of the skull. So although the chakra system exists in the etheric body, it inter-relates with the physical one.
The Human Energy Field is always receiving energy from the universe which travels to Earth in different wavelengths. It is only when life-giving light flows through us, connecting us to the cosmic life force, that we are alive and in perfect health.
Each human being is repeatedly born into Earth-reality; contrary to the belief that we are here but once and the death of the body terminates our evolution. It is clear that one life will never be sufficient to gain knowledge. The immensity of our human purpose is to realise that we are essentially multidimensional beings on the road to manifesting fully our purpose. There is no scope for separation and limitation in the vastness of the infinite ocean of oneness where we are all connected to the Source.

You will also be able to view the artwork, acknowledgement, preface, & introduction.
This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.
She had the gift from birth because this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation.
For more information or become a member Contact@PantheonofAeternam.com
We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.
True self-value is linked to purity, the gathering and distribution of High Light, the knowing of your essence, your tools and purpose, the fight to complete the task given to you by the High Gods and the Divine Creator and if you exist on the Earth plane you have also to be tuned to the planet and its natural laws.
All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery.
All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual
qualities to support the divine plan.
All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part without the expressed written consent of Pantheon of Aeternam as expressed by international copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part without the expressed written consent of Pantheon of Aeternam as expressed by international copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.