- Dale Decker: Brainwaves and Trance States
- God Thoth: A practical purification exercise
- Goddess Astaroth: Animals and their process of growth and evolution
- God Thoth: Understanding love
- Goddess Athena: My way is bravery and wisdom
- Robbert-jan Rozenkruis: Ancient solutions for a toxic world ( how to heal and prevent cancer)
Brainwaves & Trance States
- There are four main types of brainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.
- For those who are new to this type of mind training it is very important that a level of patients, dilligence and concentration be necessary to develope this ability just like in all other different kinds of esoteric practices. Highly advanced students of the occult path can enter trance states in seconds and some do not even require a preliminary deep trance state to perceive that which is beyond the physical. Breathing exercises should be carried out before attempting to enter the trance state because it helps relax the body and focus the mind.
Your body is a great source of information and can guide you to your true-self, your purpose and your connection to the astral realm.
Create a space of peace, disconnect from any type of movement that exists in your mind and around you. Observe yourself in your body, look at the energies that emanate from it and how they spread out to create the aura. Your aura has many layers and is a form of protection but is also used for communication. Through your aura you receive and transmit energies and these energies connect you to your astral body. You can see now that your physical body can expand and connect to your astral body. Lets examine now our physical body and the way it is structured. Starting from the top of your head and slowly go through all the organs carefully and in great detail. It is like you try to make an invisible design of everything that constitutes this magnificent tool, your body. This may take time or you may have to focus on different parts of your body and make a series of observations.
For most people this exercise will bring truth and wisdom. This is your first step to know your body in its true form and be aware of its functions. I want you to remember all that you learned. I want you to be aware of the body's wisdom and knowledge and when you use your body you should always allow the knowledge to be expressed in you. This is a great first step to empowerment. Clarity will follow and your whole existence will be in harmony and balance. This is the true state of every being. A purification of your body is also necessary because fragmentation and distortion does not only pollute your mind but it also harms your body. When you are suffering from distortion you will go against your body. When you are suffering from fragmentation you disconnect from truth and life and you start harming yourself, you become the creator of your imbalances. Going back to your body, connecting and focussing on this great tool is a first step to connect to your true self. Your body knows your purpose and path, it is not a mystery, it is a truth that is in you and available to you when you are able to see.
I have learned that once a being is purified and allows the light of the source to flow through their body then they can become a creator and transform into their true self. I can use this knowledge in my everyday life because when one accepts their body fully as a tool of creation then they can listen to it and use it know wisdom and connect to the astral body.
The ideas that came into my mind were that I must purify myself as much as possible and practice further to understand and communicate using my body. I wish to connect to my astral body and know the wisdom that is already known to it.
I felt that I have purified myself but now I am unsure. What is total purification? I have examined my life and accepted all past experiences and let them go. I no longer hold onto anything that doesn't further my growth. If there is further purification that I need to do it is outside of my awareness.
My questions for Thoth about these teachings would be: How does one know if they have purified themselves fully? Or if they have not purified themselves how could they know what to purify further? Is the light of the cosmos visible to the third eye? I have experienced seeing brief glimpses of visible light in the area of my third eye when my physical eyes are closed.
- Kevin
Dear Kevin,
Purification is an on going process and the more often you practise it the better results you are going to have.
It is more effective when you are in a meditative state and you are not affected by the persona and the ego. Similarly to meditation, purification takes practise and in order to achieve results you have to persevere. Look at yourself as an observer; don't try to hide the truth, find excuses, blame others or accept what happened mechanically. Focus on a single part of your life and try to fully understand why are you reacting this way, what are the influences and what is the result. Practising meditation is the first important step to quieten your mind and escape illusion. Then you need to practice purification in order to heal yourself and connect to your true-self. The next step is transformation. I suggest that you observe your actions and thoughts in present time. You are willing to transform but what stops you is a form of distrust which is linked to your inability to be strong against external forces. Continue with your purification but remember that it is not a mechanical process, it is process of growth. When you achieve results you will feel free, strong and clear.
During the Golden Age many animals and plants were created and when Earth became a god creator planet, she was able not only to nourish but to create more animals and plants as well different elements. Humanoid beings were not part of Earth's creation, even though there were many gods, demi-gods and their helpers who had a form similar to humanoid and existed on the planet. The ancestors of the human beings on Earth were different astral races who visited Earth in different times and created civilisations. During the golden era, all beings lived in harmony and existed in a high dimensional plane.
The cosmic light was able to nourish them and connect them to other beings on earth and other planes. Animals that had a short life, they also had a slower growth. But there were also animals that had a long life cycle and were part of the astral plane as well as the Earth atmospheres. Not all animals had the same consciousness or life purpose. Certain species had an astral body and were able to evolve. Being an animal it meant that they had a different form. Our form affects our growth and gives us certain characteristics, tools and qualities to help us learn lessons about creation and continue to grow.
Animals may not understand your language, your manners or your civilisation but they are also in a process of growth and evolution. They receive light, connect to astral beings and follow guidance from the astral plane. Animals have less imbalances than human beings and demonstrate purity and truth in their actions. They also think but because they are connected to their true-self they do need to speculate, plan and imitate truth. However, because of the fragmentation and distortion of the planet, they are also effected and have lost some of their powers. Animals are connected to earth and understand that healing is needed for her to continue to grow. They are also aware of the imbalances carried by human beings and many of them want to heal humanity and see themselves and the protectors of the planet. Animals live according to cosmic laws and they can be your teachers to help you escape illusion.
Done by communication between Goddes Astaroth, Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis
Understanding Love
I am Thoth, I am a star and the bird of wisdom.
You have come to me to learn the cosmic laws. When we are sitting or standing in a circle we attract the cosmic light which is the light given to us by the creator and we give it our own form and dimension. The light that was given to us when our creation code was formed will be circulated in us. We generate, spread, multiply the light that was given to us by the creator. This is an important cosmic law which helps everything that exists to stay alive, evolve and connect with the rest of the creation and the creator. So as you can see, we are all creators. The seed which is able to transform to a plant and then take the form of a tall three is also a creator.
In your physical plane and specifically on earth, you talk about love, heart connections and healing. Love is not a Divine property.
It is an emotion which is misleading and vague. However love is a primitive form of connection. If you accept yourself as a physical being experiencing the physical reality and nothing more, love is a great guide to a giving and receiving relationship. I noticed that it is very hard for humans to feel love for themselves because most of the times their understanding of love is related to a transaction and a deal making. If you wish to explore love and you find yourselves going up the very first steps of perfection, you should consider loving yourselves. Your love should be based on a true discovery of your purpose and a true expression of your light. We are not going to advise you to love each other. We are going to advise you to become one with each other because this is the cosmic law we all follow.
Done by communication between God Thoth , Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis.
My way is bravery and wisdom
I am Athena and I have been travelling on my chariot of light or on foot in many planets. Astaroth is my teacher and Earth was the place where I reincarnated. This time I was given the task, with other gods, to support Earth after the numerous disasters and extinction of her species. Earth has stopped connecting to her true essence and went in denial and confusion. The legend about my birth symbolised just that: how is it possible to come out from my father’s head?

My mother created me but my father loved me. Zeus loved me. He is the reincarnation of sun; one of the main components of the Earth-Moon-Sun triad. I was aligned with the cosmic as well as the Earth energies and I came to heal with music, bravery and wisdom. I was a stranger to the Earth paths, but I was called to come down, explore and morph them in a way that more light can come in and Earth’s current creation can be restored to its formal glory. On my journeys, I met brave men, demigods, who were here to become Earth’s children and give her the happiness and love she deserves. I supported the arts and inspired men to create the most beautiful architecture, sculpture, music and theatre of all time. I taught them the art of war and the art of weapons. I visited people’s houses and I showed them all crafts such as weaving, pottery, carpentry and metallurgy. There were other gods who were more known than me as teachers of herbalism and magic but not many people know that they acted under my guidance and supervision. I passed to them the cosmic knowledge in order to initiate humans and demigods to the mysteries .I stayed on Earth for some time working with people of all continents and the time came when I was called to the high Pleroma.
Now I am brought back and I walk on Earth who is almost a stranger to me. I am trying to connect to her essence but she is very scared to show trust. She suffered so many layers of trauma and confusion that now she lost all sense of truth and connection. This low vibration that the Earth is producing affects the beings who exist on the planet, her alignment with the Sun and the moon and the rest of the planets. Beings who exist on other planets have expressed their concerns about a future disharmony which can affect all planets and they wish to intervene.
Earth is isolated and our only hope is that she will listen to her creation and perhaps open to the sun and moon energies and try to understand their message.
I have come back to Earth to wake up all demigods and masters who have reincarnated here, pass to them the cosmic light and give them the tools of bravery and wisdom. The time has come and we are all needed to work together to water and nurture Earth. There are so many ways to achieve that and there are so many different tools and methods. My way is bravery and wisdom: I have a clear intention; I collect all my tools and skills; I finally strike without hesitation and I do not stop until I have completed my task. You have to remember that the task can be one in a series of actions or can be a preparation of a major undertaking. You can only win a battle if you are aware of the macrocosm as well as the microcosm. You have to be able to see how the small pieces fit into a bigger picture. This way you have a better chance to comprehend your purpose and your work.
Done by communication between Godess Athena and Barbara
R O B B E R T - J A N R O Z EN K R U I S
Ancient Solutions for a Toxic World
( how to heal and prevent cancer)
As the world's population balloons to almost 7 billion, it's become more difficult to find places on Earth unaffected by man-made pollution and development. Far too often it takes things going really wrong before people take action to keep our planet clean.
Earth's orbit, believe it or not, even space contains copious amounts of pollution. An estimated 4 million pounds of space debris — nuts, bolts, metal and carbon, even whole spacecraft — currently orbit the Earth, threatening satellites, communication and even the lives of our astronauts. This computer-generated NASA graphic shows objects of space junk in Earth's orbit that are currently being tracked.
Toxins poison our air, our water, our food and our bodies. According to the EPA, 70.000 chemicals are used commercially in the U.S., 65.000 of which are potently hazardous for our health. The environmental defence council reports that more then four billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each year, including 72 million pounds of known carcinogens.
"It is precisely those Carcinogens that cancer scientists believe are responsible for the majority of human cancers in the United States". The Environmental Defense Fund
The remedies from the pharmaceutics are not curing the disease but speeding up the process of an earlier death
An article appeared in the Washington Post of April 1998, stating that..."106,000 people die annually in the U.S. from properly prescribed drugs." The article says that heart medications, blood thinners and chemotherapeutic agents cause the most deaths.
On chemicals and cancer, an eminent German oncologist says that cancer is caused by environmental toxins. Others agree. While there are obviously other issues, fungus, viruses, genetics, etc., the major change in the world that could have lead to the explosion of cancer over the last 100 years has been the introduction of tens of thousands of chemicals into the environment. Chemicals that we had never been exposed to before. Ones that our bodies don't know how to handle. The link between toxic Chemicals and Cancer becomes clearer the longer we are surrounded by them.
They overwhelm the defenses of your body and cancer develops. Unfortunately, if industry and the government they control have their way, it may even become worse.
Biotech companies have been aggressively promoting the use of genetically modified food. It's a financial goldmine for them. Unfortunately, there are several problems with genetically modified food. Even the scientists at the FDA resisted them till political pressure from the top approved it. Every independent study has shown problems with the eating of genetically modified food. Abnormal cell growth being high on the list. And no wonder.
"More worrisome is that the "promoter" used inside GM foods could get transferred to bacteria or internal organs. Promoters act like a light switches, permanently turning on genes that might otherwise be switched off. Scientists believe that this might create unpredictable health effects, including the potentially pre-cancerous cell growth found in the animal feeding studies mentioned above.
Milk from rbGH-treated cows contains an increased amount of the hormone IGF-1, which is one of the highest risk factors associated with breast and prostate cancer, among others. Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, coinciding with the introduction of GM soy imports from the U.S."
Foods are not required to be labeled as GM foods.The only way to make sure you are not eating food that has been genetically modified is to eat organic food or food labeled non-gmo. Eating organic food will also reduce the amount of chemicals you are ingesting.
Types of toxins in your body
There are several types of toxic buildups in the body that need to be dealt with when addressing the chemicals and cancer link to fight cancer. First there is cellular toxicity caused by the shunting of toxins into cells due to excess acidity in the blood, and the inability to release toxins in the cells for that very same reason.
Next is heavy metal and chemical toxicity coming from years of exposure to highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals. While many come from the environment, silver amalgam fillings, many vaccines and some other drugs put mercury and other toxins into our body. Most large fish have elevated mercury levels. Elevated levels of heavy metals disrupt the immune system, and must be dealt with when fighting cancer.
And then there is the toxic buildup in the colon of undigested foods and hardened fecal matter. Nutrient absorption is disrupted, and toxins sitting in that decaying mess are reabsorbed back into the body. This creates a constant stress on the immune system, and a further load on the body's detoxification systems. Colon cleaning needs to happen on the journey to good health.
The Chlorinated Water and Cancer Connection
Pathogens in water have led to many diseases. But did you know that what's put in your water to purify it may be causing your cancer (and heart disease)?
The French, with their lower cancer rates from consuming OPCs and resveratrol in red wine, have made red wine famous for its health benefits. There is another side to their lower cancer rates that most people don't know...
The French do not drink chlorinated water. They ozonate their water to purify it. Does this make a difference? Absolutely.
"We are quite convinced... that there is an association between cancer and chlorinated water."
Medical College Of Wisconsin research team
We don't use the chemical chlorine because it's safe, we use it because it is cheap. We essentially still pour bleach in our water before we drink it. The long-term effects of chlorinated drinking water are a disastrous example of the chemicals and cancer link.
According to the U.S. Council Of Environmental Quality, "Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine."
"Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times!"
Breast cancer, which now affects one in every eight women in North America, has recently been linked to the accumulation of chlorine compounds in the breast tissue. A study carried out in Hartford Connecticut, the first of it's kind in North America, found that:
"Women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of organochlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer."
It is not just drinking chlorinated water that is the problem.
Up to two thirds of our exposure to chlorine is due to inhalation of steam and skin absorption while showering. A warm shower opens up the pores of the skin and allows for accelerated absorption of chlorine and other chemicals in water.
The steam we inhale while showering can contain up to 50 times the level of chemicals than tap water due to the fact that chlorine and most other contaminants vaporize much faster and at a lower temperature than water. Inhalation is a much more harmful means of exposure since the chlorine gas (chloroform) we inhale goes directly into our blood stream.
"Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home because of chlorine in the water."
Dr Lance Wallace, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
If you take showers using chlorinated water and are dealing with cancer, clearly installing a shower filter to dechlorinate your shower water makes good sense.
Other Toxin Sources
In the process of eliminating as much toxic exposure as possible for sake of the chemicals and cancer link, you need to limit exposure from the chemicals in your carpets and walls of your home. Unless you've already taken special efforts to have a chemical free house, formaldehyde and many other chemicals have been outgassing toxic fumes in yours for years. Hulda Clark, in her books on fighting cancer and other diseases, recommends that all carpeting be pulled up, paneling and walls taken out and replaced, and so on - if you want to beat cancer. Pretty drastic stuff. A less overwhelming solution would be to get a photo catalysis air cleaner. Using technology developed by NASA, it puts out molecules that interact with VOCs, the chemicals put out by carpets, etc. and changes them into harmless carbon and water molecules.
Personal care items like shampoo, conditioner, or skin lotion often contain ingredients that add to the overburden of chemicals your immune system must get rid of. Try to use as natural and pure personal care items with as few chemical listed in the ingredients as possible to reduce that overload. The less overwhelmed your immune system is, the better it can fight the cancer.
The buildup of toxins in your body reduces cell oxygenation and toxins will damage DNA, causing cell mutation. The key is to protect your cells by making sure you are taking plenty of antioxidants, stop drinking chlorinated water or taking showers in it, and get rid of the buildup of toxins in your body using safe and natural detoxifiers.
Cleanse and purify & Detoxify daily
There are three types of detoxification to be done, cellular detoxification, intestinal detoxification and a more general body detoxification in which we will include heavy metal detoxification. There is some crossover here, any detoxifier will work in more than one way. And remember, it is very important to alkalinize the body as that must happen before a great deal of detoxification can be done.
Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) improves health in several other ways. It chelates and removes heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins from your body. It does this in a hierarchical manner. Studies show that it is most attracted to lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and other heavy metals.
Once the amount of heavy metals are depleted, it starts to work on getting rid of pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and so forth. It also acts as a natural trap of viral particles which stops production of the viruses.
Because it traps toxins in its molecular structure and carries them out of the body as it is easily eliminated within 6 hours or so, it detoxifies without overloading the detoxification system in your body. It takes a strain off the liver and kidneys. As toxins are an underlying cause of almost all cancers, taking Clinoptilolite on a regular basis is an excellent cancer preventative. Especially as it can kill any cancer cells that may develop.
Zeolite traps free radicals in its molecular structure so it acts as a free radical scavenger.
Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) will help normalize pH levels. And boosts the immune system as it increases levels of CD4 immune system molecules.
Zeolite works exceptionally well at fighting cancer as an informal 14 month study a number of years ago showed.
65 people with mostly stage 4 cancer, who had a prognosis of about 2 months to live, were given a type of liquid zeolite.
At the end of the study, 51 people were cancer free and six more were alive, but still fighting cancer. This is a 78% cure rate for terminal cancer, an incredible 89% survival rate.
"More worrisome is that the "promoter" used inside GM foods could get transferred to bacteria or internal organs. Promoters act like a light switches, permanently turning on genes that might otherwise be switched off. Scientists believe that this might create unpredictable health effects, including the potentially pre-cancerous cell growth found in the animal feeding studies mentioned above.
Milk from rbGH-treated cows contains an increased amount of the hormone IGF-1, which is one of the highest risk factors associated with breast and prostate cancer, among others. Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, coinciding with the introduction of GM soy imports from the U.S."
Types of toxins in your body
The Chlorinated Water and Cancer Connection
"We are quite convinced... that there is an association between cancer and chlorinated water."
Medical College Of Wisconsin research team
According to the U.S. Council Of Environmental Quality, "Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine."
"Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times!"
It is not just drinking chlorinated water that is the problem.
"Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home because of chlorine in the water."
Dr Lance Wallace, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Other Toxin Sources
Personal care items like shampoo, conditioner, or skin lotion often contain ingredients that add to the overburden of chemicals your immune system must get rid of. Try to use as natural and pure personal care items with as few chemical listed in the ingredients as possible to reduce that overload. The less overwhelmed your immune system is, the better it can fight the cancer.
The buildup of toxins in your body reduces cell oxygenation and toxins will damage DNA, causing cell mutation. The key is to protect your cells by making sure you are taking plenty of antioxidants, stop drinking chlorinated water or taking showers in it, and get rid of the buildup of toxins in your body using safe and natural detoxifiers.
Cleanse and purify & Detoxify daily
There are three types of detoxification to be done, cellular detoxification, intestinal detoxification and a more general body detoxification in which we will include heavy metal detoxification. There is some crossover here, any detoxifier will work in more than one way. And remember, it is very important to alkalinize the body as that must happen before a great deal of detoxification can be done.
Because it traps toxins in its molecular structure and carries them out of the body as it is easily eliminated within 6 hours or so, it detoxifies without overloading the detoxification system in your body. It takes a strain off the liver and kidneys. As toxins are an underlying cause of almost all cancers, taking Clinoptilolite on a regular basis is an excellent cancer preventative. Especially as it can kill any cancer cells that may develop.
Zeolite traps free radicals in its molecular structure so it acts as a free radical scavenger.
Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) will help normalize pH levels. And boosts the immune system as it increases levels of CD4 immune system molecules.
Zeolite works exceptionally well at fighting cancer as an informal 14 month study a number of years ago showed.
65 people with mostly stage 4 cancer, who had a prognosis of about 2 months to live, were given a type of liquid zeolite.
This study was similar to what happens in the real world. There was no control as to what drugs people were taking, or what other protocols they were on. Every person in the study basically answered an ad in a newspaper that said, "If your doctor has given up on you, call us." So they were mostly people who had late stage cancer, whose doctors had sent them home to get their affairs in order.
Throughout the study, many patients used some sort of adjunctive treatment. For example, a lung cancer patient was told to go home and get his affairs in order. After three months on this liquid zeolite, he was feeling much better. He went back to his oncologist, who suggested that he was strong enough to undergo more chemotherapy and radiation. So he stayed on the zeolite, but he also went on chemo and radiation at that point.
Not bad for a bunch of folks sent home to die.
This study was similar to what happens in the real world. There was no control as to what drugs people were taking, or what other protocols they were on. Every person in the study basically answered an ad in a newspaper that said, "If your doctor has given up on you, call us." So they were mostly people who had late stage cancer, whose doctors had sent them home to get their affairs in order.
Cleanse and purify & Detoxify daily
Clinoptilolite: Ancient solutions for a toxic world
We are going to publish more detailed information about Clinoptilolite on our e-journal for next month.
In our web-shop we are going to to sell supplements including powders and liquid zeolite
More about this soon when our web-shop is been set up
Robbert-jan Rozenkruis
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