J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 5
There are people on earth earth right now who are sent to connect to human beings and teach them using a blend of the human energies as well as the energies of the high creator gods. This is very effective with low vibrational beings. We also know that there will be people who will try to stop our work or make it ineffective. In short, they will be different reactions and this clearly shows the quality of light that people carry. I am here now not to divide but to unite. I see humanity as one and my correction will be for humans to have the same light, the high light. Every ear from one corner of the planet to the other should stay open to hear my word because my word is truth.
Remember that the human state that you are experiencing right now is not permanent; what you really are is astral beings who are in constant evolution and will never be controlled by anything and anybody than the cosmic laws. If you bring this wisdom in your physical existence and let it be your driving force then you will be free and balance would be restored in you. We want to explain to you that truth is what you are but you are convinced to choose illusion which is an artificial man-made state. The people on earth who live close to nature and follow nature's life patterns are the one who are least affected by the illusion. The rest of you are told that these people are undeveloped, limited and in suffering. If you need to test your level of illusion-driven-attitude try to compare your life with theirs. Test yourself: how truthfull can you be?
Done by communication between High Creator God Thoth,Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis.

Asking for Help is Hard
Every so often we are presented with an opportunity to help those who are suffering from illness & disease. These individuals are not able to fully support them-self or their treatment. We have connected to offer help, guidance & support but we wish to share their story in hopes that others may help or become involved as we have. If you are interested, there are ways that you may help & become involved. Even simply sharing there story for others & offering opportunity for those who are able to help through means of their own talents, gifts, or even financially. We hope to do well by reaching to those who's path have brought them to see this post. For those who have had loved ones or knew anyone who have walked in similar shoes, even moral support goes a long way when life deals you the cards presented.
Here are Barbara's top tips for what you should be eating:
(A healthy, balanced diet is essential)
Good ways to boost immunity
Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum
(the small intestines)
Initially add support with a wide spectrum digestive enzyme product, and then increase your own nutrient levels form healthy, organic foods, especially fibrous vegetables, and a possibly a quality multi-vitamin and mineral supplement to optimise self-production of digestive enzymes to maximise food breakdown.
This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.
We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.
J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 5
- God Thoth: How Truthful can you be? There is not better nourishment than truth. The teachers and the leaders of humanity should carry truth and if they don't then it is obvious that they want to take your power away.
- Dale Decker: The Faculty of concentration. The education which the occult tradition constantly prescribes for its students is the gradual development of the faculty of concentration, a power of One Pointedness or Spiritual Attention
- The story of Candi: Her battle with cancer. Candi worked as a nurse, until she physically couldn't do it any longer. This has been a long and difficult battle with ovarian cancer and Candi and her family are in desperate need of your support.
- Nutritions for Beauty: Foods that support the immune system & colons, looking after the gut, super foods & more ( Barbara's top tips for what you should be eating)
- The Importance of the Bonds We Create with Animals: How they can remind us to connect with Nature while offering a unique companionship in our waking lives.

I am Thoth and I am surrounded by many high lights, formless beings that have infinite powers given by the source. We are all connected and co-create on each other. This is a high form of transformation that can take place between creator gods.
We are transforming because we want to acquire new tools to help us with the work we are going to take on. Part of this work is our communication with the people of earth. We call it communication but it really is an exchange of energy. My plan is to connect to every being on earth. I see humanity as one and I want to give everybody a chance to transform beyond Illusion. I understand that individuality is also a factor and my light will be absorbed differently by different people. There are people on earth right now who were sent to carry the light and distribute it to people.

There is not better nourishment than truth. The teachers and the leaders of humanity should carry truth and if they don't then it is obvious that they want to take your power away. Most humans feel weak. They think that have no power and the only thing they can do is to follow the group even if this means total destruction.
Remember that the human state that you are experiencing right now is not permanent; what you really are is astral beings who are in constant evolution and will never be controlled by anything and anybody than the cosmic laws. If you bring this wisdom in your physical existence and let it be your driving force then you will be free and balance would be restored in you. We want to explain to you that truth is what you are but you are convinced to choose illusion which is an artificial man-made state. The people on earth who live close to nature and follow nature's life patterns are the one who are least affected by the illusion. The rest of you are told that these people are undeveloped, limited and in suffering. If you need to test your level of illusion-driven-attitude try to compare your life with theirs. Test yourself: how truthfull can you be?
Done by communication between High Creator God Thoth,Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis.

The education which the occult tradition constantly prescribes for its students is the gradual development of the faculty of concentration, a power of One Pointedness or Spiritual Attention. It is not enough in that the student who enters the occult path with his or her level of concentration begin working with some of its operations such as Astral Projection or Telepathy which requires high levels of concentration which is the driving force behind these dormant aspects of the human consciousness. The student is first introduced to sharpening each of the senses by applying them to special concentration exercises that serve as preparations for using the senses on the plane that is above the physical plane, the astral.
The condition of utilising all the senses on another plane of consciousness not only involves the sharpening of the senses, but also it develops a peculiar state of the whole personality in the students daily life in the form of a self-forgetting attentiveness, a profound concentration which merges his or her internal self with all the external objects and situations that is within his or her sphere of influence. Adepts can utilise their highly developed faculty of concentration to focus on just about anything within their sphere of influence and gain impressions in the form of intuitive messages as if they had an internal computer within themselves. It is not uncommon for even high initiates to receive impressions about unfolding events in their lives as a result of their development of the concentration faculty.
Concentration in the most basic sense is an application of all our perception not only on occult operations, but on all things, if we look at the world around us and see all of humanities achievements and contemplate on the idea that it all is the result of a living force that was and still is being harnessed from within our coats of skin you will have an idea on our powerful the faculty of concentration is in order to focus on the multitude of sense provoked thoughts that were required to allow all these wonderful materialisation's of the human mastery in the external world to unfold, especially in the last century. For the occultist the mental attitude of concentration is used to find in all things the secrets that they possess on more levels than many are not cognisant of, they are able to surrender themselves from mundane preoccupations to truly perceive those things which are beyond the realms of the senses which would be impossible without the faculty of concentration.
In the early stages of the occult development the student is trained to develop his or her power of concentration by performing simple exercises such as directing the eyesight for a certain amount of time in an undivided manner at some simple, concrete, and external object. The object could be anything a stone, a candle flame, a tree, running water, a distant hillside, it could be anything. As the gaze is directed at the chosen object the student wilfully yet in a state of perfect stillness refuses all the other stimuli which are being sent by the many other aspects that the surrounding environment is sending, the entire visual concentration is utilised to exclude all the other surrounding objects from the conscious field. The student can also be directed to empty the mind of all thoughts and become united with the object of concentration to the point where they are able to gain a perception that they are the object of focus.
This experiment allows a new method of perception to reveal the unsuspected qualities in the external world. First the student will perceive a strange and deepening quietness around them, a slowing down of their mental functions. Next they will become aware of a heightened sense or intensified existence in the object which they are concentrating upon. With all their consciousness a current is set in motion which seems as though a boundary has dissolved between the students life and the object, student and object become one as the boundary dissolves.
Through this simple act of concentration the student merges with the object and its secrets are revealed. In a candle flame for example the students conscious merging with it from a distance can allow them to perceive its heat at whatever distance the student maybe from the candle flame, the student may also perceive the septenary coloured aura of the candle flame, along with other secrets that are to numerous to mention in a way that cannot be expressed by the objective consciousness of daily living.
With all that has been said so far we can gain and have an idea of the tremendous power that the faculty of concentration can exert on anybodies life especially those who are on the occult path. On this path the student learns that there is a living force that is within and that they are much more then mobile masses of organic substance. They learn that this living force of concentration can be harnessed to realise our potentials in a state of being that is in a state of constant becoming. CONCENTRATION IS KEY!
Asking for Help is Hard
T h e S t o r y o f C a n d i
I found out I had cancer during my pregnancy with my youngest daughter while having a routine sonogram. My ob/gyn had found a small spot on my left ovary after I had complained of having severe pain on my left side. My doctor thought it was more than likely a benign cyst because I'd had cysts in the past, but decided she wanted to watch it carefully because it was causing a lot more pain and discomfort than I'd had with any cysts I had ever had previously.
She decided to monitor it carefully and checked me two weeks after the original sonogram to see if it had progressed any because it was still incredibly painful on my left side. When she did the sonogram during that checkup, the spot had gotten bigger and my doctor seemed very concerned. She scheduled me for another exam and a sonogram one week later and told me then that she was scheduling me for surgery to remove the "cyst" because it had gotten so large so fast and my unborn child could be in danger if it continued to grow because it was already too large and if it ruptured I could get sick from it and I could lose the baby if that happened.
I really wasn't told it could be cancer before the emergency surgery, I was told it was to remove this cyst, but I wanted to make sure my child was safe so I went ahead with the surgery September 7th 2008. We lived in Illinois at the time so I was scheduled for surgery at the university of Illinois medical hospital.
When I came out of surgery, the doctor came to tell me the mass was actually much bigger than they'd originally thought, it had been quite large and I would have more than likely lost my daughter and maybe even my life if they hadn't done the surgery when they did. She also told me they had brought in another doctor (an oncologist) during the surgery because of all the abnormal growth they found and told me they had to remove my left ovary and Fallopian tube. Also told me there was a lot of tissue that had to be removed in my abdominal area as well. I was told then to prepare myself for a possible cancer diagnosis because he (the oncologist) said it looked like that was going to be the outcome.
So the tissue was sent to the pathology lab and it was in found to be in fact malignant. I was put on bed rest and the doctors tried to postpone any aggressive treatment while I was still pregnant (ie chemo) as long as possible, because of where it was in relation to my baby so they basically decided to wait as long as possible before doing any thing that may cause more stress on her. So we tried to wait it out, but my health had deteriorated to the point that my life was in danger so I had to do a few chemo treatments only because it was absolutely necessary to keep me and my daughter alive.
My baby was born December 8 five weeks premature, but fairly healthy considering what we had gone through. She was admitted into the local children's hospital (Mt Washington) for almost three months while they got her healthy enough to come home. I had her by cesarean (because i was considered extremely high risk) and during the surgery, after my ob did the cesarean, while I was still on the table, my new oncologist did a much more detailed and thorough debulking surgery.
They hadn't been able to remove alot of the damaged and diseased tissue that they wanted to during the first surgery before my daughter was born since they didn't want to put excessive stress on my baby in utero.
The debulking surgery lasted hours. They took as much of the tissue that was visibly diseased and did biopsies of both my liver and kidneys. I was told my entire body cavity was filled with ascites, which is a fluid buildup that has cancer cells all throughout.
I began very aggressive chemo immediately after the surgery. I was scheduled for another surgery three months post partum after the biopsies came back and had my right ovary,fallopian tube, and my left kidney removed along with any visable tumors. That was considered my third debulking surgery.
I'd worked as a nurse for quite awhile before I got ill and was able to go on medical leave while I went through these first treatments while I was healing from my surgeries. I still refused to give up and looked into every possible treatment option that I could find.
I became extremely sick after about five or six months or so and I stopped the chemo and radiation. Once I did that, I decided, with my doctors that i should try using less "traditional" cancer treatments so l began using more holistic treatments to control my illness. I was feeling good enough and went back to work at an assisted living facility because it was a low stress job and I was able to work without too much discomfort.
I've never been considered "on remission" or with "no evidence of disease", but after beginning the more natropathic/holistic treatments for about three years I had been maintaining at a reasonable and fairly comfortable level and my scans and tests at that time showed that the cancer was not spreading or progressing.
Then around the end of 2012, I began feeling very lethargic and started feeling very sick again and was having severe symptoms. I had to stop working again because the physical strain was too much.
The pain and discomfort had gotten so bad I scheduled an emergency appointment with my oncologist. He went ahead and admitted me to the hospital and began a full battery of tests and scans. We found out pretty quickly that my pet scans (that show any progression of tumors and cancer) showed that my cancer (to everyone's surprise)was rapidly spreading again and everything kind of started snowballing from that point.
My physical ability to even get around diminished very quickly and I was scheduled for another surgery because of the amount of large tumours visible on my scan that I needed to have removed so any treatment would have a better chance to work. I had my fourth cancer debulking surgery in the beginning of 2013. They took as much of it as they could find, including a piece of my liver (which had become riddled with cancer at this point), did a full hysterectomy and removed four lymph nodes.
We moved in with my grandad, since we had pretty much gone through every financial resource we had and since I needed someone to help me do the most basic tasks, my grandfather could help me during the day(since he was retired) while my husband went to work. It was a big help, we didn't have a ton of bills, we had a place to live and I had help to do those things I couldn't do on my own.
Things seemed to get to a somewhat reasonable place while we were there, he made sure there was plenty of food and household items and he paid the ground rent on his lot that his mobile home was on, so my husband's income was able to go toward any copays and anything my medical insurance did not cover. I had decided that I wanted to try to begin using the holistic/natural treatments again and stopped most of the "traditional" cancer treatments again. My health was poor and I felt much worse when I was going thru aggressive chemo and radiation. With my doctors help I started to find different unconventional ways to treat my illness like I'd done before.
Then on August 8 2013 my grandad passed away unexpectedly and we were again stuck in the same cycle we had been in before. He didn't have any funeral or life insurance and I didn't have any way to give him his last wishes. I couldn't even afford to have him buried the way he wanted properly.
After he passed, we had to move out of his house even though he'd left it to me because we couldn't afford the ground rent there (his house is in a trailer park) since I was unable to work and do much of anything. Once again, my husband had to become my caretaker 24/7 since I didn't have anyone else to help out and we couldn't afford to pay a home health nurse or caregiver.
We ended up living in my grandads old (leaky and drafty lol) RV, on a lot in a workyard because we really didn't have anywhere else to go and couldn't afford anything else. After he passed, the only income we had was my (ridiculously) small stipend from the government for disability. My friend took my children in because we had no room for them in the small travel trailer we live in now, and it wouldn't be fair for them to have to suffer because of my medical issues. We had already gone through all our savings and the little bit of retirement money I'd saved up when I was first diagnosed. We never thought this was going to consume every part of our lives for so long.
In May of 2014, my oncologist team at Hopkins told me I needed to start another aggressive treatment because I had again begun showing more tumor growth and was again, deteriorating very quickly. I started the treatment I hated so much again. I am still undergoing very aggressive chemo and radiation. Its the only option I have at the moment.
I want to raise money to be able to not only help with our daily expenses, I want to be able to explore more promising treatments, like stem cell or one of the many treatments that are available to people that have the financial means, anything that gives me a better chance to live in a somewhat normal way again one day. Or at least be able to not worry about not having the money for a copay or being unable to pay for the medicines I'm prescribed because I don't have it. And I want to live in a normal hone again. I haven't ever had to live like this and its a struggle. Its as close to homeless and homeless can get without literally living on the street. But it's the only thing we can afford right now and we can barely afford it. We pay $400 a month just to have the RV plugged into an outlet and have it parked in the work yard where we reside right now. That's over half of our monthly income. With my copays and medicine we are in the negative every month. Our food stamps run out after two weeks with the special diet I take. We have to buy propane to keep warm during the winter and cook. Sorry this is so long, I haven't really written it all out in a long time. Let me know if you need something more.
Candi Hawkins
You can read more about Candi, donate money & help out through sharing her crowd funding page here:
By supporting others we grow. It is not about us, me or you it is about giving to others.
A good deed for the new year is to give to these people a bit of money perhaps 5 dollars or more is even better. Most of the people around us have even asked for loans or made depts to pollute themselves with alcohol and bad food, celebrating an illusionary birthday of a man-made religion that has no purpose or meaning. What makes more sense is to help those staying alive for another year and even then we are not sure if they are here next year at this time. Think of this and think of what is right for you to do.

"When we are able to unite in order to support growth, without knowing, we are fighting illusion. Our needs, problems, fears and ambitions are illusionary and keep us entangled in the state of distortion. When we stop foccussing on what "belongs" to us and experience our being as part of cosmos then we will be FREE. Connection is part of our growth. It is a gift and should not be wasted".
A good deed for the new year is to give to these people a bit of money perhaps 5 dollars or more is even better. Most of the people around us have even asked for loans or made depts to pollute themselves with alcohol and bad food, celebrating an illusionary birthday of a man-made religion that has no purpose or meaning. What makes more sense is to help those staying alive for another year and even then we are not sure if they are here next year at this time. Think of this and think of what is right for you to do.

The order has donated and supported more people; we see them as a part of our order because they came to us to be close with the gods just like all of us. This community stands for purity, growth, truth and collective growth. These beings need to be healed and this is not impossible. They deserve to be supported especially by order members or group members on Facebook. Not being supportive to others you are not connected to your true-self and you are still asleep. Pantheon Of Aeternam is helping also others with physical illnesses besides Candi but some prefer to stay anonymous.
"When we are able to unite in order to support growth, without knowing, we are fighting illusion. Our needs, problems, fears and ambitions are illusionary and keep us entangled in the state of distortion. When we stop foccussing on what "belongs" to us and experience our being as part of cosmos then we will be FREE. Connection is part of our growth. It is a gift and should not be wasted".
Here are Barbara's top tips for what you should be eating:
(A healthy, balanced diet is essential)
A healthy, balanced diet is essential if you want skin that glows with radiance. Here are our top tips for what you should be eating:
Tomatoes: Whether you eat them raw as part of a salad or use them to make a tasty sauce, tomatoes are top of the list for boosting skin’s radiance. The tomatoes are an anti-ageing super food and protect the skin against one of the prime causes of ageing –the sun’s UV rays- but they can also boost the production of collagen. The tomato’s health-boosting benefits are credited to lycopene, the pigment behind their distinctive red skins. Cooking or processing tomatoes makes it easier for the body to absorb the lycopene they contain.
Chia seeds: New cell formation cannot happen without amino acids, which are the building blocks that make up proteins. Chia seeds contain all eight essential amino acids and are made up of 20 per cent protein. Without enough of the amino acids, cells’ formation is slowed, which can cause dull, greyish skin. In addition, chia seeds deliver a great dose of omega-3 fats, which are important for two reasons when it comes to skin: our bodies need fats in order to produce hormones; fats form the lining of every cell in the body and when we don’t have enough of them, the cells become “soft” and weak instead of firm and plump.
Brazil nuts: Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium. As well as having some anti-inflammatory properties, selenium is an antioxidant which, even though it’s only required in small amounts can still be lacking in our diets. Selenium provides damage protection to the skin cells as well as the collagen fibres that are the supporting structure of the skin cells as well as the collagen fibres that are the supporting structure of the skin. This can help prevent premature skin ageing.
Green vegetables: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, broccoli and kale contain antioxidant and phytochemical s that have anti-ageing properties. These include lutein which has been shown in studies to boost skin hydration and elasticity which helps to fight wrinkles.
Avocados: they are a rich source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant which in turn prevents cell damage. Antioxidants are the cleansers of the body, sweeping the junk away and carrying it safely out of the body. An antioxidant-rich diet is important for good skin.
Shellfish: it is a great source of zinc, which is an essential mineral for hair and skin health. Zinc helps to regulate hormone production from the sebaceous glands, thus preventing acne breakouts and controlling oily skin.
Red peppers and strawberries: our bodies produce collagen themselves but can’t do so without the presence of vitamin C. Both red peppers and strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges and as a bonus they also both contain lycopene, an important antioxidant that protects skin from sun damage.
Onions: they are a fantastic way to quickly top up your sulphur stores. Sulphur is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is known as the healing mineral because of its healing properties. It is excellent at healing swelling and inflammation and an increased sulphur consumption has been shown to relieve psoriasis and eczema. Onions are also strong blood cleansers and any cleansing help we can get on the inside will help keep acne at bay on the outside.
The immune system need some extra help to fight off colds and flu. There are many different reasons why a person can have low immunity. Here are some of the main contributing factors.
- Eating a bad diet-junk foods, lots of caffeine, not enough vegetables and fruit
- Eating a lot of sugar-sugar competes with vitamin C, which is good for the immune system; so if you have heaps of sugar then you undermine your immune system
- Eating lots of fatty foods-having a high fat intake or high cholesterol makes your immune cells lazy and they lie around instead of going out on patrol
- Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
- Smoking
- Lack of sleep
- Being stressed and unhappy
Good ways to boost immunity
Eating a healthy, plant-based diet full of immune –protecting chemicals is a great first step towards supporting your immune system. One serving of vegetables can contain over 100 different phytochemicals and these are flavones, isoflavones, anthocyanins, lignans, indole-3-carbinol, gallates and glucosinolates as well as vitamins and minerals. Healthy digestion is how our immune systems respond appropriately to invading bacteria and viruses. A good quality probiotic supplement is a great insurance policy and has been shown to help us cope with stress. There are more bacterial cells in your body than human cells so maintaining a healthy balance of intestinal microflora is one of the best way to build and enhance digestive health and therefore the immune system. The easiest and natural ways to do this is to top up your good bacteria by adding plain live yoghurt to your breakfast. Add some chia seeds to your smoothie for a fibre boost and feed the healthy gut bacteria. Swap your morning cuppa for a cup of fermented black tea, Kombucha and you will be treating your bowels with a living colony of gut friendly bacteria. At dinner you can naturally increase your good probiotic bacteria by eating vegetables such as artichokes, garlic, leeks and onions which are rich in gut friendly prebiotic bacteria.
Foods to support the Immune System
Garlic contains the active ingredient allicin, which fights infection and bacteria. Try eating it raw.
Oily fish such as sardines, anchovies, herring, salmon and mackerel are rich in omega-3 which helps to reduce inflammation and protects the lungs from colds and respiration infections. They also contain vitamin D which helps to support the immune system.
Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, broccoli, spinach and cabbage are packed full of vitamins and minerals. Eat them steamed lightly to keep as many nutrients in as possible. These nutrients will help to keep your immune system up and running.
Mushrooms strengthen the immune system because they are rich in protein, fibre, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium and other minerals. Mushrooms contain powerful compounds called beta glucans, which have long been known for their immune-enhancing properties. Beta glucans enhance immunity through a variety of mechanisms, many of which are similar to those of Echinacea or astragalus root.
Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid which converts in your body to monolaurin. Monolaurin is the actual compound found in breast milk that strengthens a baby’s immunity. A great deal of research has been done establishing the ability of lauric acid to enhance immunity.
Hemp Seeds are the most complete food. It contains 60% Globulin Edistin which plays a part in both natural and acquired immunity and is used when creating antibodies to neutralise antibodies and toxins.
Acai berries are indigenous to the Brazilian Reeinforest. They possess powerful antioxidant properties due to high levels of anthocyanins, the pigment also found in red wine. They also contain essential fatty acids, fibre and phytosterols which help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.
Goji berries originate from the Himalayan Mountains. They contain 500 times more vitamin C that oranges by weight. They also contain more beta-carotene than carrots. They are a good source of B vitamins and antioxidants and contain a complete protein profile and 21 trace minerals.
Pomegranate is a highly nutritious fruit. Its health benefits stem mainly from ellagic acid, a potent antioxidant that has been shown to promote cardiovascular health.
Sea Buckthorne Berries have been used medicinally in Asia for hundreds of years. Rich in antioxidants which help boost the immune system.
Bee pollen is the pollen collected by bees from flowers and formed into super-nutritious granules. It is one of the most complete foods found in nature and has more protein than beef by weight.
Royal Jelly is produced by honey bees from glands in their head and used to feed larvae large amounts of royal jelly which helps it grow larger and stronger hence becoming a queen bee. The nectar is rich in B vitamin, minerals, protein and enzymes.
Gut friendly bacteria not only improve digestion but boost health.
The digestive process breaks down food by chemical and mechanical action into substances that can pass into the bloodstream and be processed by each of our 10 trillion cells. Certain nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, can be absorbed directly into the circulation. Fats, complex carbohydrates and proteins are broken down into smaller molecules before being absorbed. The gut acts as a protective barrier preventing toxins and undigested foodstuff from entering the bloodstream. This prophylactic mechanism is all too commonly impaired especially with the use of medications, poor diet, excessive alcohol, etc.
The digestive process breaks down food by chemical and mechanical action into substances that can pass into the bloodstream and be processed by each of our 10 trillion cells. Certain nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, can be absorbed directly into the circulation. Fats, complex carbohydrates and proteins are broken down into smaller molecules before being absorbed. The gut acts as a protective barrier preventing toxins and undigested foodstuff from entering the bloodstream. This prophylactic mechanism is all too commonly impaired especially with the use of medications, poor diet, excessive alcohol, etc.
Mouth and Oesophagus
Mouth and Oesophagus
Food is chewed with the teeth and mixed with saliva. The enzyme amylase, present in saliva, begins the breakdown of starch into sugars. So chew slowly and with mindfulness.
Enzymes produced by the stomach’s lining breaks proteins down into smaller units, called amino acids. This acid produced by the stomach also kills harmful bacteria. Alcohol, carbonated drinks and medications can hinder digestive processes and increase the incidence of negative food reactions.
Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum
(the small intestines)
There are many different digestive enzymes in the different sections of the intestines all doing very specific jobs. You can aid this process by taking a digestive enzyme, but make sure it is a good quality, broad-spectrum product.
Large Intestine
Large Intestine
Undigested food enters the colon where water is absorbed by the intestinal lining. The residue is pressed into faces and stored for excretion. Soluble fibre in your diet aids with the healthy removal of toxins and waste matter.
A good basic plan for a healthy gut
Remove any offending and inflammatory foods; also artificial additives and flavourings as well as other stressors, including high amounts of caffeine. Be aware of toxins, especially with so many hidden and unknown E numbers, etc. in processed foods. Many medications, poor diet and excessive exercise can break down the integrity of the intestines. Key nutrients, which include protein and beneficial friendly bacteria can heal the gastro intestinal tract by maintaining a healthy gastric lining, keeping those toxic particles out of the blood stream.
Your gut contains 90+ trillion bacteria with up to potentially 2000 different species, so it makes sense to take a quality, high-strength probiotic daily. This will give a barrier protection and boost immune function as well as detoxification process.
Replace optimal Digestive function.
Hydration must be your foremost priority. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and during training sessions. The average adult requires at least two-to-three litres of water a day.
Re-educate, read more and understand the amazing body that you own. Care for it and it will care for you.T E A S
Teas are a wonderful way to integrate your mind-body medicine. Herbs are really affordable so you can go to the organic store or health store and buy a little bit of camomile and peppermint, Herbs should be brewed in boiling water so all the nutrients are extracted, unlike leaf tea (black, green, white and oolong tea), which should be steeped in water that is off the boil, since boiling water can bruise the tea leaves.
The detox
Black, green, white and oolong teas are all high in antioxidants, which makes them all beneficial for general health and wellbeing. When it comes to detoxifying herbal infusions, we can suggest calendula, roasted dandelion, chicory root and nettle. Dandelion and nettle have a diuretic effect, which helps the liver to flush out our body's toxins, reduces fluid retention and aids digestion.
Weight loss
Many scientific studies have shown green tea can assist in weight loss, partly because of its caffeine content but also because of its antioxidants, which have a thermogenic effect; this means it increases the metabolic rate.
Peppermint reduces bloating and flatulence and will help with indigestion, Fennel seeds are also beneficial because they increase the secretion of digestive enzymes and can help with digestion that way. And if there's any pain or cramping, herbs like lemonbalm can help relax the muscles around the bowel.
Reducing inflammation
Rooibos is a fantastic herb. It's up there with green tea with its antioxidants but it's also high in minerals. It's also a broad anti-inflammatory because of its high vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content.
A boost in the morning
We should take a tip from the South Americans and try yerva mate (also known as yerba mate), a herb used for centuries in countries like Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay as a pick-me-up. The leaves are simply steeped in hot water to make a tea known as mate - pronounced ma-tay. Yerva mate contains a compound called mateine, which has a similar affect to caffeine but works on slightly different pathways. It stimulates the muscle tissue and you get a more sustained release - you don't get the peaks and troughs that you would with a coffee.
Calming tonics
Passionflower is an anti-anxiety herb, which is good for beating stress. It's not easy to get in its dried form, so she recommends buying it in a tea blend. If you want a homemade stress buster, we recommends camomile tea, which is more readily available. Limeflower is also known for easing nervous tension, as is lemonbalm. Lavender is another good option before bedtime.
Immunity boost
Echinacea is key in immunity-boosting since it increases white blood cell levels, so that helps fight infection. You can also look at other ingredients like elderberries and rosehip, which are high in vitamin C and can help fight infection.
A winter warmer
Lemongrass and ginger are fantastic and some people just grate the fresh ginger but if you really like that zing that comes from ginger, you'll get more from the dried herb.
Skin, hair and nail health
Horsetail is very high in silica, a mineral which is the base for promoting healthy hair, skin and nails. For skin, you can use rooibos which is also known as a complexion tea. Gotu kola can increase circulation to the head and skin so helps the skin regenerate cells. As it is not easy to find it in its pure form so is best sourced in a tea blend.
Nettle is also high in silica and other minerals, and chlorophyll is great with cleansing the blood.
We inhabit Earth with a whole array of life. From the smallest bug in a rain forest to the tallest giraffe of the African plains, each animal is unique in it’s experience. We, as humans, have made an impact on Earth that affects many of the life around it. Some of us even forget that we coexist with such wonderful forms of life. Others share their waking lives with animal companions of all types. The bonds we form become special to us & the memories we share with our animal companions are irreplaceable.
These bonds that remain unspoken share such a strong connection that we consider them like family. We do not form these by words, but by our hearts. We welcome the responsibility to care for & nurture a living creature that grows to bare importance to us. Most of all, that creature grows & experiences a life with you present. A life of love & companionship.
Sometimes it is us who needs a friend & we reach a point where we can’t imagine a life without them. In my path, I have shared wonderful connections with many dogs, cats, deer, squirrels, rabbits, birds of all kinds, and have even had the opportunity to continue to meet beautiful wildlife creatures. They exist with harmony & see you not as the social world does, but for what you truly are. This aspect of yourself is always present, even to those who are yet unable to recognize it.
When I was younger, I lived in a community where hunting was prohibited so you would find large families of deer who would explore the land. This allowed me an opportunity to see them often & in that time I managed to form a bond with them that most people never get to experience. I remember coming home from school & the deer, recognizing my presence, would gallop over to meet me at my doorstep. They are kind creatures who would come and eat out of my hand. This type of bond wasn't shared with just anybody, as the deer are able to see the threats that certain humans can project. I watch as the deer proceed with caution around others - keeping in mind the desire of safety for their own loved ones. These same bonds can be seen with those who work close with animals & are not made overnight.
For those reading, you may share a similar story but with a dog or cat - two animals that have become domesticated over the course of thousands of years. We form a special bond of love with these animals & they make such an impact in our lives, that their loss can break hearts. They are there for us in times of need, and to help lift our spirits. They cuddle close to experience the energy you send out into the world. We show them love, and they show us hope. With each passing day, they grow with a little of ourselves into their conscious experience.
Many of us who have grown having an unconditional love for nature are kindred to animals & it is this that they can sense a safe presence within us. This is also how animals view each other in the wild. The rabbit hops through the grassy field as the birds come visit to pluck some seeds off the ground. Even the mischievous squirrel scurries around the backyard chickens as they enjoy the sun’s rays. They do not let fear stop them from being - they just Be.
It is said that many animals we become close to, though they share a collective consciousness, have the ability to become unique in a single lifetime through our bonds. We offer them a companionship that breaks the specie boundary. We carry them in our hearts & in time they can miss us as we miss them. These acts we allow ourselves to experience are important for many reasons. They teach us a manner of love & keep us grounded from the artificial lives that human societies condition people into. We forget about the worries, and embrace being able to share a moment such as when an animal chooses to rest their head on you. As they feel comfort in your presence, you in return see first hand the love that holds you close. A gentle reminder of who we truly are.
This love is in each and everyone of us. We must not forget it & instead offer it to the world around us. When it fully blossoms to be a part of what makes you You, then you too may be able to connect with those that coexist in the wild. There is beauty all around us in many forms & this lifetime, we can choose to partake in it. We all have opportunity to connect with nature.Even when you see an ant, do not take its life - instead bring it out into the world. Show it love as nature would. Continue a path with this mindset & you may attract a bond unlike any other with life around you.
This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.
She had the gift from birth because this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation.
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We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.
True self-value is linked to purity, the gathering and distribution of High Light, the knowing of your essence, your tools and purpose, the fight to complete the task given to you by the High Gods and the Divine Creator and if you exist on the Earth plane you have also to be tuned to the planet and its natural laws.
All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery.
All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual
qualities to support the divine plan.
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